Thursday, January 28, 2010

Love, Love, Love...

I (heart) pictures, the more frames the better!

I (heart) making paper Valentine's, it makes me feel like a kid again!

I (heart) Dove Dark Chocolate and rolos!

and I LOVE MY SON MORE, we say this back and forth to each other and it is the inspiration behind this piece.

What brings you JOY???



  1. Pictures? Chocolates? Little Boys?! I {heart} those things too!! That's what makes life delicious!

  2. I love lots of picture frames too. I love to stagger the varying heights too. Beautiful necklace!

    Joy comes to me in laughter.

  3. Great list! And I love that necklace, especially the meaning behind it.

  4. Oh those rolos are wonderful! A warm bubble bath is going to bring me joy in about 5 minutes. lol

  5. Those things bring me such joy, too! I'm getting my kids in the valentine-making mood, so we'll see what they come up with this year. I'm sure it's going to be lovely (and glue-y).

  6. Oh, I love all these things too! :) Well, I love MY munchkins. I'm sure your little man is awesome, but I'm not creepy. :) But you know what I mean.

    Seriously, this list rocks.

  7. Wonderful Valentines list Kristen! Mmmm, rolos... I haven't had those in so long! Love the necklace Kristen! My friend was just telling me how much she loves the one you made that I gave her. You are very talented!


  8. Picture fames, chocolates and xoxo oh my! Yes, yes, yes, I am with you on all of these! One of my boys used to say, I love you, Mommy, to infinity and beyond! Precious memories we have.

  9. Oh pictures and chocolate in the same post :) I want both now LOL love picture frames, and I do have way too many but still get them LOL
    Beautiful necklace!

  10. Hey Kristen,
    Thanks for sharing all the lovelies!
    best wishes,


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