Friday, January 15, 2010

One of our favorites.....

Toy Story is one of our favorite movies to watch as a family and we can hardly wait for Toy Story 3 to come out this summer!

What is one of your favorite animated movies that you don't mind watching over and over again?

TGIF friends, I am thinking it is pizza and movie night for the family!


  1. ANy Disney movie really. UP is my new fav. But so SO SO sad!

  2. I have to admit that I don't really like animated movies that much. :(

  3. Ok this is really going to tell on me, but I LOVE ALL ANIMATED and ANYTHING DISNEY. I am just a kid in adult clothing.

    My fave Disney of all time is Sleeping Beauty and Little Mermaid.
    Over the Hedge is my fave non-Disney.

  4. I have not seen an animated movie in a long, long, long time.

  5. my son, who just turned 8, still watches 1 and 2 of this movie!!

  6. I like Toy Story too. I actually didn't know that Toy Story 3 is coming out this summer. I'm excited! I also think the Shrek movies are pretty funny.

  7. I'm a Nemo girl, but we watch a lot of Cars around here. I'll watch any Disney movie for sure! And I was sooooo excited when I saw there's going to be a Toy Story 3. I can't wait!

  8. Oh that would be the Little Mermaid. I have Toy story and would love to show it to my little one it is on VHS.. Boo..

  9. Pretty much any Disney movie! I really enjoyed Bolt, but I think my favorite is Monsters Inc.

    If you have time, come check out My Aloha Friday. Have a great weekend!

  10. Tinkerbell and Fox and the Hound. Both are my favorite.

  11. I love Shrek....I have seen it more times than I can remember. I admit I am very excited for Toy Story 3 as well tho.

  12. Beauty and the Beast or Cinderella......I can just listen to those songs all the time!!!

  13. Cute!

    Josh and I have watched The Incredibles probably 75 times. Seriously....


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