Saturday, January 16, 2010

Dean's Dip.... one word YUM!

Deans's Dip Dipstakes

In our house we are huge snackers.... and we especially love our dips! I was able to sample the Dean's French Onion Dip and in my opinion it is one of the best French Onion dips I have tasted. Dean's Dips are also available in Cheddar Cheese, Ranch, Honey Mustard,and Guacamole.

Dean's Dip is hosting their Dipstakes sweepstakes. Are you a Honey mustard loyalist, Guacamole diehard or an Onion Dip fanatic? Vote for your favorite dip and help them settle this once and for all! Everyone who votes will also be eligible for weekly prizes like free dip, a BBQ grill set or a home entertainment system.

You can find all the details to enter HERE.

Deans's Dip Dipstakes

Happy Snacking friends and remember no double dipping!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds yummy! We are big snackers too! I will have to try that out!


    PS- hope things are going well for you Kristen!


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