Saturday, December 5, 2009

men of a certain age....

Anyone who follows my blog knows that I am a TV Junkie and the opportunity to review a new show is something I just can't pass up. men of a certain age also happens to have a few of my favorite actors in it, Ray Ramano and Scott Bakula and it also has Andre Braugher who is also fabulous. I think this show is going to be very funny and love that it isn't another female dominated drama, it is about three men and gives you a peek into what it is like being a guy and what it is like when hanging with the guys. The show uses humor to address serious issues, which is always a surefire combination. I personally found it entertaining and think many others will too! This will be one more show to load into your Tivo for men and women.

Be sure to check out men of a certain age on Monday December 7th, 10/9c


  1. That sounds like it'll be a crack up! I love Ray Romano, too.

  2. I just saw this on another blog. I can't wait to watch it.

  3. We are all set to make the popcaor and have a few laughs tomorrow night. You can't beat Ray Romano for some good humor!

  4. I have been in love with Scott Bakula since 1989. No lie. "Quantum Leap" is one of my all-time favorite TV shows!

    "men of a certain age" looks promising... and it's been given good reviews from everything I've read about it. I'll be watching!

  5. it comes on tonite il be watching it :)

  6. Is that not the BEST show?! It comes on later than I'd like but I have to watch. It's too funny!!


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