Monday, December 7, 2009

Head down....

Head down and working..... A LOT!

So sorry I have been MIA, I have been very busy working on holiday orders. I did discover that I can watch some of my favorite shows on my lap top while working so I have indulged in watching some General Hospital... I don't know why watching soap operas makes me feel guilty. It has been years since I have watched a soap opera.

If you would like to place a order please place it ASAP to ensure that you receive it by XMAS.

Happy Monday and I am wishing for a very productive day today!


  1. I can only imagine how swamped you are!!! But that's good!

  2. Glad you are keeping so busy! I love Soaps too!

  3. It's understandable that you'd be so busy right now. At least you get to watch some shows. That's a little bit of a break. -Victoria from MBC Follow Me Club

  4. love your pieces i plan to order but after the holidays! :) do you make pieces for children , i would love to get my twins something cute :)

  5. So happy that you are having much abundance during the holidays!

    I wear my necklace every day! You are the best, Kristen!

  6. Your stuff is just beautiful! I'm in love with my necklace!!! Keep up the good work! Enjoy your Christmas!!!

  7. Have you been watching James Franco...I just happened to notice he was filming GH. (I don't have a tv).


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