Thursday, October 1, 2009

just not ready for it yet...

These pics are from a few weeks ago when we visited The Henry Ford, it was a very warm day and the gardens were still beautiful. We have gone from steamy hot weather to chilly late fall weather.... I am just not ready for the cold weather just yet.

What is the weather like in your neck of the woods?


  1. I am! After months of 105 degrees, I want some cold!

  2. Same here! Poof and its cold! Mostly in the mornings but I.DO.NOT.DO.COLD! Love the pics!

  3. This week we've had highs in the low to mid 70s... it's been great! This is my kind of weather... cool mornings and comfortable afternoons! I just wish it'd stay that way!

  4. It's the same exact way here as it is where you live. From Sunday to Monday was a dynamic shift in weather and we even have the heat running now!

  5. I'm ready for fall but not winter--I just hate the bitter cold!

  6. I live in southern california so we don't technically get "cold" weather, but I do hate it when it dips below 60! Burrrrr.

    Today it is supposed to be warm because we are going to have a Santana (warm winds from the desert).

  7. It is glorious here!! Not too chilly not to hot. Love this time of the year. I wish it could stay like this forever. Although, I do miss the pool!

    Love the photos of your boys - so cute.

  8. I love the COOL weather...not COLD! I'm not ready for winter that's for sure.

    Thank you again for creating such a beautiful necklace for my sister & myself! I was sooooo surprised when she gave me mine last night. Waiting to have you design me another one! =)

  9. I'm not ready for it either... I turned on the heat the other night, and it made me so sad. Maybe an award will cheer you up? There's one waiting for you at Drahdrah's Place.

  10. I feel the same way. I love the warm sun. I think that is why I like Spring the most it is not too hot or too cold.

  11. I am not ready for the cold...not at all! But alas, it is already here...

  12. Ninety degrees here in the LA area. I am envious of all these bloggers with beautiful fall colors.

  13. I'm so not ready for the cold!


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