Friday, October 2, 2009

Have you started yours yet?

Halloween hasn't even arrived yet and so many of my customers are already starting their Holiday shopping. I have to admit it sneaks up on me every year but this year I am going to start it a bit sooner.

Have you started your holiday shopping yet? Are you already done?

Happy Friday!

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  1. Great question! I have, because now that my girls are 12 and 14 and we are out of the phase where they "wished" for everything in the Toys R Us catalog, I can actually think about some unique/customized gifts. I'm glad I saw your post...I want to order them a necklace in plenty of time:-)

  2. I keep the holidays in the back of my mind all year long. Right now holiday shopping is REALLY on my mind with my holiday event coming up in a month.

  3. I always try to start at least thinking about it early. I've got some stuff already either through great deals or stuff I was lucky enough to win through blog giveaways. I do enjoy shopping for Christmas but hate waiting for the last minute. I don't like potentially just picking something out because I can't figure out what to get someone. So impersonal! :)

  4. I am getting so excited for the holiday season! I have not started Christmas shopping yet, but I will soon start! You know, I also love the rush of shopping late, like last minute purchases made on the day of Christmas Eve! I love Christmas! :)
    P.S. I'm having a giveaway to Sephora on my blog today! :)

  5. No way. It reminds me that snow is just around the corner.

    Have a great Friday!

  6. Yes I have begun getting small things here and there for my two little boys.

  7. I havent even thought about shopping yet.

  8. I have started shopping. I'm determined that I will not wait until the last minute this year. This Christmas is exciting to me because it's my son's 1st Christmas. I plan to spoil him like crazy!

  9. I've got a few stocking stuffers that trickled in over the summer, hidden throughout the house, but now is the time to put my Santa pedal to the metal!

  10. Started but not done yet. Plan on being done w/ gifts to be mailed (majority) by the end of this month.

  11. Not yet, usually I start around this time, but this year is all over the place...time is going too fast this year! But by the end of the month I'll start!

  12. Oh no, I haven't started at all! I'm usually done by Thanksgiving though.

  13. Im forced to start early to be the last mail date to get presents to my family in England. While I am buying for them, I see presents that I could buy for my family here. I am usually done by November. I have bought one present so far, a book for my Dad.

    I am one follower away from 50! Please help the cause!

  14. I have started to think about what we may do for a family Chanukah gift, but have not started shopping just yet.

  15. Nope, but I usually start this month!

  16. I haven't even begun to shop yet.

  17. I'm done but I plan it out throughout the year since our budget is so tight -- I watch for things on sale, etc. no matter what time of year it is :-)

  18. surprisingly... we are almost done!

  19. I've done a little bit. Most of the time, I start my Christmas shopping on Dec. 26th... for the next year! I try to be done by Thanksgiving, or the first week of Dec, at the latest!

  20. I haven't started yet but do plan to start shopping early this year.

  21. Oh Lordy no...I are an after Thanksgiving shopper!

  22. I'm actually way ahead of the game this year and have half of my shopping done (thank God for the internet). I'm also wondering what aliens abducted me because this is extremely out of character for me...

  23. I flip flop from year to year. Last year I started in July and this year it has not even crossed my mind. I better get going.


  24. I've done a little. Usually I'm DONE by now. This year I don't have enough dough to really start, lol

  25. not even close - and Hobby Lobby already has all their Christmas stuff out!


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