Friday, September 25, 2009

When I need a break...

When I need a break I love to grab a good magazine and escape for a bit. A few of my favorite magazines are Parents, Real Simple, Cookie, InStyle and Body & Soul.

What do you do when you need a break from it all?

for more Aloha Friday questions please visit

Photo courtesy of my almost 4 year old Will.


  1. When I need a break and actually get one, I always read a book. My AF

  2. Going out for a run helps clear my mind.

    Happy Friday!

  3. I'll go hide in my bedroom and watch some chick flick or read a book. Or I'll just get out and walk around the neighborhood or go to a book store.

  4. Go for a long bike ride as I am a huge cyclist or go to the gym.

    Happy Friday!

  5. leave the house and go to the book store.

  6. It is good just to get a little fresh air for a few minutes

  7. I love to read, take a bubble bath or go to the bookstore...sigh...can I do one of these now?

  8. I like the trashy weekly gossip mags. (Shhh! Don't tell anyone!) Or the same sort of sites online. Can't help it, I'm addicted! :)

  9. Ahhhhh, magazines are a great way to relax! I also like to close the door and hop on my treadmill with my ipod and just run!


  10. Go online and play dominoes or go in my room and turn on a DVD.

  11. Go in my room, close the door and read a book. Or go for a run.

  12. I enjoy blogging and reading blogs on my breaks {if I get any}. Aloha and take care.

  13. I head on over to the local park. Often when I get to the park I'll walk. I went this morning and there was a horse in a pasture in the middle of the park, and I got to talk to him for awhile! It was find and got my mind off of things for awhile!

    krissy knox :)
    let's connect on twitter:

  14. I definitely love to close the door to my bedroom and watch a chick-flick in bed -- oooh, and it's even better when hubs is gone and I can sprawl out and fluff up the pillows and eat popcorn...of course, on TOP of the comforter! :)

    And I think Will took a great picture. I was all like "hey, how'd she get someone to take her picture like that?! Good job, Will!

  15. When I need a break. I may read or find a great movie to watch.

  16. Read! I curl up on the couch with a cat (or two) and a good book :-)

  17. I love going for a walk or reading a book :)

  18. I've actually learned to tune out people. It's amazing and I can't believe that I couldn't do this years ago. Now I can take a mental break whenever without even leaving the room. :)

  19. I go into the bathroom and tell them that Mommy is pooping in the potty. Then I read while sitting on the toilet. Right now it's One Fifth Avenue by Candace Buschnell. This buys me about 20 minutes before my husband figures out that I am not actually pooping.

  20. Love Parents magazine, I usually knit. It relaxes me, plus I make something cute!


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