Thursday, September 24, 2009

he does his work and i do my work

Some of you may not like play-doh but for me it can be a lifesaver. Often when I am working I set Will up across the table from me and pull out the Play-doh and we work together. Some days it takes a bit longer but the most important thing is that we get to spend some time together while we are "working". Things have been very, very busy and my work is a true blessing that I am very thankful for!

I just added the Serenity, Courage, Wisdom piece to my shop, which has been a best seller in the standard block text and is now available in the fancy script font.

Have a great Thursday!

To view more Thousand Words Thursday please vist Jen of Cheaper Than Therapy Jen.


  1. As always he is so adorable! So cute that he sits and "works" with you. Truly a blessing to be together!

  2. I'm a huge fan of play-doh, for the same reason!

  3. I'm a huge fan of play-doh, for the same reason!

  4. its nice to be able and work and have your son near :)

  5. this is soooo sweet. I love that ya'll sit and work together!

  6. Love those Play-Doh guys!! They really to entertain for a while! Always love your work as well!

  7. Someone a few years ago changed my mind when she said to me "I was always a we'll do playdoh tomorrow mom" -- meaning, they just never got it out because of the mess and the clean-up.

    But as we all learn to let go and realize that spending time with our kids is really the most important thing, the mess doesn't seem, well, so messy.

    I have become a "yes, we can do playdoh" mom and I love it -- and so do my kids.

    And Kristen, another beautiful piece! You're so talented! :)


  8. So cute. I love play doh I only bring it out when I truly need them to be busy for awhile.

    Cute necklace. Love it!

  9. And both of you do beautiful work :)

  10. I keep a cannister of Play-Doh on my kitchen counter so, whenever I need to, I take a whiff, returning me to a childhood safe place. On really rough days, I actually take it out of the jar and sculpt. Ya gotta know your medicine and when to take it.

  11. That sounds like fun. I want to try that. Have a great time.

  12. Just wanted to add that your guy is adorable! i would want to stay home too!!


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