Monday, September 21, 2009

Featured Reader: Let me introduce you to...

La Dolce Vita

Happy Monday friends! I hope everyone had a great weekend. It finally feels like fall is in the air in Michigan. We went for a nice long walk this weekend and it seems like overnight the leaves have started to change, either that or I just have been too busy to notice. Monday's are always fun since I have the great pleasure of sharing one of my bloggy friends!

I have the great pleasure of introducing you to Amy of Our Daily Blessing Life. I can't remember exactly how I stumbled on Amy's blog but what first grabbed me is that she has two greyhounds, and is a hound lover too. Amy and I also chat a lot on Twitter and you can follow her @amyb11569 Amy is a mom of 4 who not only has had to endure many years of seeing her son battle medical issues but now has her own medical issues. Amy tackles life with courage and grace. Please grab a cup of joe and get to know my friend Amy!

Blog name: Amy of Our Daily Blessing Life


I have been married to Jimmy for 22 years this October. We are blessed with 4 children. Philip 19, Reed 16, Emily 12, amd Cole 4. We live on the East Coast of Florida.

How did you start blogging:

A couple of years ago my oldest son Philip spent weeks in and out of the hopsital in ICU. I decided to start a

Caring Bridge page for family and friends to follow his medical updates. During that time I spent some time reading other blogs online. I decided that I would like to start a personal blog that focused on something other than medical issues. I decided a personal blog would be a wonderful way to keep a online memory of our everyday life. Once I decided to start my blog I spent forever trying to pick out the perfect name. Looking back now..the name of my blog says so much about our is such a blessing.

When I started my blog I had no idea the impact it would have on my life. In fact I remember thinking my blog might be so boring that no one would relate or read it. A few weeks after I started my blog I found out I needed surgery. Shortly after my surgery I was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma . My goal of having a personal blog for family issues vs medical became impossible. Our Daily Life became a outlet for me to share my medical worries, daily fears, and my path of learning to learn on God . My son Philip has been suffering some very serious ongoing medical issues. He has had 19 brain operations, a stroke, seizures, and a degenerative nerve disorder. Needless to say there have been some very hard scary days. My blog family has rallied around me and our family in a way that is hard to explain. There have been many sleepless nights where I found my self feeling scared and helpless at 2 am, when I was too sick and tired to even pray. Within minutes there would be ladies praying for me and lifting our family up. I have never felt so much support.

What is your parenting philosophy?

Sometimes I think about what type of mother I would be if Philip had not been so sick. Since Philip was my first child and had his first brain operation at 6 weeks, being a first time mom was a little different than it probably would be. I missed giving him his baths, watching him roll over and sit up and crawl. Watching so many children suffer for months at a out of town children's hopsital reminded me just how fragile life can be. I have always wanted to try to encourage my children to do the best they can and yet understand their limits. I think they call that finding a balance. Being that I have a 19 year old all the way down to a 4 year old..I laugh at how relaxed I have become as a mom over the years. I could not be be any more proud of my children. They rally around Philip and try to support him in any way they can. Of course they can also drive me

You will never find me without....

I have to admit I have a BIG addiction to my iphone. I got it after my diagnosis and it is sorta my best friend..and it has a BIG A for Bama on it..ROLL TIDE

Tell us about your day job:

Once Philip had his second brain operation and stroke I became a SAHM but lately I am gone more then I am at home. Between my medical and Philip's medical...we spend way too much time in waiting rooms and hospitals.

Favorite things:

Tv: I love reality TV. I guess it is a good release for me..and it reminds me we are not the only "crazy" family. LOL

Music: I have been listening to my James Blunt CD..I love his voice ..and as Emily says he has a cute accent.

Food: My taste in foods have changed since I am doing treatments..But I love fruit..I think my very favorite treat is Starbucks...

Reading: I just got the Ruby book to read. She has a show on TV AKA my reality TV addiction..she has lost a lot of weight and is changing her life. Last year I lost 95 pounds so I am excited to read about her journey.

If you had to wear a T-Short with your favorite saying on it what would it say?

Funny you should ask about a T-Shirt with a saying..COURAGE..because I know that everyone of us have had a time in our life when we need to dig deep and find the courage to take another step. That is the saying on the shirts are being sold for his fundraiser..HERE.

Favorite stores to shop at:

I love to shop at has so many cute things. I could spend hours there.

Other good stuff from Amy:

There are so many wonderful blogs out there. . I have read stories of ladies who are searching for a soul mate. Ladies who are trying to have a baby, ladies waiting to adopt a child, ladies who are watching their children fight to survive a illness, and ladies who are trying to face life after burying their children. I feel so very blessed to be a part of such a wonderful blog community.

Please be sure to leave Amy some comment love in this post and also visit her site HERE.

If you would like to be a featured reader please send me a email at and don't be SHY!


  1. Courage is right! My gosh, what a wonderful woman and so inspirational!

  2. Love your feature this week, well every week :)

  3. Yep, that's our Amy B.! She IS an inspiration! I love her and this was a great interview!

  4. Bloggy Love... Well I did learn something here. Well, not here but at Amy's... that you have a greyhound too. Somehow I missed that. Wonderful for you to feature Amy. Have a blessed Day!

  5. great nterview!

    awsome choice!

  6. Cool interview! Love you Amy B!!!

  7. I came over from her blog to read her interview and i just have to say i'm so blown a way by her courage and the way she can find blessings in life even when things are hard.

  8. What a wonderful interview with Amy. :) She gives me courage to be strong for my mother in law who is losing her battle to cancer. She is such an inspiration!

  9. Great interview! Now I'm going to look around more on your blog :)

  10. Sweet are a rock. You are a wonderful mother, wife and friend. You have way too much on your plate right now but you have never lost your sense of humor through it all. Thank you, La Dolce Vita, for featuring my sweet friend Amy. She is amazing and should be an inspiration to us all!

  11. Amy is one of my heroes. Great featured reader!


Thanks for leaving some comment love!