Friday, August 28, 2009

Some things should stay in the 80's...

Have you noticed that fashion designers are trying really hard to bring back 80's inspired apparel like the above Reebok High Top. These high tops are available for sale and are exactly like the pink pair I use to have.

So I ask you:

What do you wish would stay in the 80's? (for me high tops, pegging pants and parachute pants)

What do you wish would come back? (for me leggings, I love the comfort, but you will only see me wearing them w/ dresses)

For more Aloha Friday questions please visit


  1. Let me just say, IF I had saved all my clothes from back in the day? I could of saved a frickin BUNDLE to wardrobe my girls today. Just sayin.

  2. Oh man the 80's! I was born in the 80's! I have sirius on my iPhone, computer and car and I only listen to the 80's channel! My girl has a pair like that, They are call Kool-Aid in color RED! She totally loves them.
    Have a ♥Lovely♥ Friday!

  3. The hair styles!
    I wouldn't mind leaving those shoes in the 80s too.

  4. No I really love this time in life. You can really wear anything and fit in:-)
    my Aloha post is up on At Home with Auntie E. site

  5. I'm going to have to agree those shoes should stay in the 80's. They were gross then, and they are gross now.

    What I liked... the rocker style era. It seemed that more people rolled with life, everybody had a place to fit in and being funky and who you were was allowed.

    Nowadays, it's as though the world is too serious about the new gadgets to help make us lazier, and looking and acting perfect.

  6. Guys with BIG hair should stay in the 80's...
    I still love U2 songs from then.
    Happy Aloha Friday !

  7. I was a teen in the 80s. I cannot say there is much I miss. Although if big bangs come back, I am there!

  8. I hope parachute pants stay far, far away. I am not a fan of the cut up jeans either although they are back to a degree.

    Come back? Not sure. I know Jellie's shoes made a run for it and was happy to see those even though I wouldn't wear them.

  9. I love the 80s so there is no look that I really think should stay away. I still have my legwarmers, I wear off the shoulder shirts and love day-glo. I had black Reebok high-tops and I would not wear those now, but I would if my fav celebrities were. The only thing I think that needs to go away are srunchies, the hair tie. I still see them on some women, and men. I also see them in some stores, like college stores with the school colors and mascots on them. Grossness! Aloha and take care.

  10. I had those Reeboks in white! LOL

    I'm all for leaving anything monogrammed in the 80's!

  11. I hope they never bring the hair back. I do NOT want that hairspray bill! LOL!

  12. Oooh, remember that clothing store "Units?" Everything was stretchy and matchy-matchy.

    I loved the Forenza sweater -- with the white cotton wife beater underneath.

    Oooh, and jean jackets with lots of buttons. Now, that my friend, was hot.

  13. I love leggings but like you with dresses only :) everything else can stay there LOL! Have a wonderful weekend!

  14. Those are crazy shoes. I guess those crazy pants with all of the crazy patterns on them can stay. Come back maybe some cute jean jackets. I loved my green on I had.

  15. Let's just say I think the 80's fashions should stay in the 80's! The geometrics? The bold color staements? Ugh, they are just not my thing.

  16. MC Hammer pants should stay in the past. The stuff I would want to bring back is from the 90s...such as hypercolor shirts and slap bracelets.

  17. I would like to see the BIG HAIR stay in the 80s!

  18. Back in the 80's there seemed to be more clothing, long skirts, long sleeved tops. Today you pay more and get far less fabric. I'd love to see more clothing come back.

  19. I think big hair should stay in the 80's along with anything fishnet. lol

    What should stay? The music!!!

  20. OMG--as soon as I saw those shoes, it brought me back to the time that I wore leggings, a side ponytail, double socks (you know--black on white on one foot and white on black on the other), those shirts that change color in the sun, and those plastic gadgets that you threaded a side of your shirt into (what the heck are they called?! I'm drawing a blank!)

  21. It is so funny to see this post because as i took my kiddo's school shopping I started seeing all of these "80's" things, and shoes like those!! I said to my DD "somethings are just better left alone" LOL!! Luckily my kiddo's don't like that kind of style!!

  22. I agree about the high tops and the parachute pants... those should stay in the 80's for sure. I'm not a fan of neon eyeshadow either.

    I do, however, like vests and jean jackets. :)


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