Thursday, August 27, 2009

Boating, ice cream, and window shopping all in the rain...

When you are three you don't care that it is cold, so we bundled up and went for a ski boat ride, you also don't mind eating Superman ice cream when it is cold (btw Superman ice cream tastes really good) and what is better than finishing the day off with some window shopping and a new Ugly Doll to add to your collection! Meet Turny Burny (left) and Big Toe. This is how we spent our rainy weekend at the lake.

For more Thousand Words Thursday please visit my friend Jen of Cheaper Than Therapy Jen


  1. lol it still seems like you had fun :)I wouldnt mind the rain either I hate the wind though LOL

  2. A good sailor would never let a bit of rain and a chilly day in Aug stop him!! Superman ice cream ROCKS! Love the ugly!

  3. Looks like fun! Sometimes it is fun to be bundled up out in the rain and the cold. My 12 yo wants and UGLY doll!

  4. looks like a good time to me! :)

  5. Oh, that icecream sure looks yummy.

  6. Great pictures of your day out. Love that ice cream. Never seen anything like it. Interesting colors. I have seen those stuffed creatures around. Are they the new Beanie Babies? Lil' D has only a few stuffed animals. He sleeps with Thomas trains and cars instead. Happy ATWT and take care.

  7. Still looks like fun! Love Superman ice cream :D

  8. PS, I just ordered the camera necklace! I'm so excited!

  9. Superman ice cream is my absolute favorite! YUM!
    I'm glad he was a good sport for you.
    **I spy with my little eye a Michigan Wolverine in the shop window. I hope they play better this year. HUGE Wolverine fan here.**

  10. Now that looks like a fun weekend! :)

  11. How cute! I have never seen these Ugly Dolls! I love them :)

  12. goog times!

    very sweet post!


  13. You sure had a fun time ice cream, and shopping are fun for sure.

  14. I'm sorry you got stuck with the lousy weather but you sure made the most of it!

  15. Great pictures, and looks like a ton of fun!

  16. Looks like lots of fun to me :) we have so much rain here too!

  17. Thanks for sharing those pictures!

    You know, Kristen, my little guys is a 3 year old too. And he was literally teeth chattering, lip blue shivering, chomping on a Spongebob popiscle after he got out of the pool.

    I tried to rescue him from hypothermia and told him he can have another one next time. Just drop that popsicle. But, to no avail!

    Those guys want their ice cream! That's all I can say!

  18. Awwww! I love that you didn't let the rain dampen your spirits and you had a great time anyway! :) The pictures are perfect! :)

    Happy ATWT! :)

  19. Oh my gosh, Superman ice cream looks delicious!!! I can't stop thinking about it! LOL!

  20. Looks like a fun day, even though it was raining!

    Now following you from MBC

  21. My first thought was to tell you that we call that icecream 'superman', lol. But I guess that's the name all over, ha ha ha.

    Great pics. Makes me wanna curl up with a cup of tea and a blanket.

  22. They looked like they had a total blast. I love the stuff animal.

  23. Check out that ice cream! So many colors! What flavor is that anyway? ;)


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