Thursday, August 20, 2009

Look out.....

What kid doesn't like to throw some water balloons? Never ask a kid how many water balloons they would like when you are the official water balloon filler upper..... he said 40!

Don't forget to enter in my giveaway for Earth Baby Shampoo HERE.

For more Thousand Words Thursday please visit my friend Jen of Cheaper than Therapy


  1. HAHAHAHA! Love it! I've always wondered 'how' they come up with the numbers they do, but when it comes to water balloons, it's usually 40... ;)

    Happy ATWT! :)

  2. lol how sweet... in malta we dont do balloon fights

  3. Been there done that, I do like to throw a water balloon now and then myself. We used to have fun in the pool with them, and yes the number was usually 50 or 100 depending on how many kids were playing!

    Happy ATWT!

  4. oh wow, 40 is a lot. Looks like he had a blast, though :)

  5. Did you make it through all 40? Looks like fun.

  6. 40 doesn't sound like too many to me, I mean it's water balloons!!! Love the look on his face in that second shot!! Cute!

  7. I'm wondering how many of them hit you!

    I also wonder how many of them broke when you were trying to fill them and squirted you. :)

    (I did get that email by the way...I just keep tossing it around...that stuff is embarrassing to me.)

  8. great pictures. perfect game for a hot day. lil' D wanted to do that this summer. i dropped the ball there. i think i will buy some balloons and we'll do it this weekend. happy ATWT and take care.

  9. Love it ;) 40 is cool :)

  10. I want to play LOL!! He looked like he was having him some fun!!


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