Monday, August 31, 2009

Featured Reader: Let me introduce you to....

La Dolce Vita

Hello friends! I hope everyone had a great weekend! Hubby and I spent the weekend doing some organizing and cleaning, bye bye dust bunnies! I can tell you that Will doesn't need another stuffed animal. We have run out of room for any more stuffed animals, yet I bet we will continue to buy them for him!

I always love Monday's since I have the opportunity to introduce you to a fabulous reader, what would we bloggers do without our readers? I have the great pleasure of introducing you to Kellie of Women's Life Link. Kellie is a one of those bloggers that amazes me, she has 6 kiddos and yet has an amazing blog that offers fabulous help for Women, she is truly a resource for all issues related to women. I knew why I instantly liked Kellie when she said that she is a huge fan of Alias, I never missed an episode, secretly I think in another life I wish I was a CIA agent. Now go grab a cup of joe and come back and get to know my friend Kellie, you won't be sorry!


Kellie R. Stone, founder/administrator for Women's Life Link


I am the mom of six - all fantastic in ways that I don't have room to list here. My oldest daughter will be a quarter of a century old this December (that's a reality check) and is married to a fellow sailor in the U.S. Navy. The other grown daughter (23) is currently in Cosmetology school and loving every minute of it! In the middle, I have two teen daughters (17 and 13) who try to tolerate each other only when they want to borrow each other's things. My boy is 12 and loves to cook, play video games, and irritate his sisters. Gotta love his unique ability to live with all these girls and survive. On the other end of the age scale, there is my Missy Moo. At 15 months, she is on her way to being either a rock star or a prima ballerina...or a blogger =).

How did you start blogging?

Several years ago I began to envision an organization that allowed women to network and share their experiences, beauty tips, health awareness, and their creative journeys. I had some health challenges through that time so it never really got off the ground as a "live" women's group. However, I never let the dream leave my mind and heart. When I met my daughter's boyfriend (a web developer and SEO specialist), he spoke to me about blogging and how to obtain a web presence that could eventually bring an income for me. I have always loved writing and sharing my thoughts with others; it seemed to be a natural fit. It took about a year after that conversation, but Women's Life Link was finally launched in March of this year. I've been dedicated to making it a vital blog ever since.

What is your parenting philosophy?

Well, after parenting for almost twenty-five years, I hope that I've got something to say about it. The first thing I learned is that no mother is perfect (especially me). And whenever I try to be, it always backfires in the form of rebellion and over-the-top competition amongst my children. They need to know that it's OK to make mistakes...and so does every parent. Second, the best thing I can do for them is know their strengths and their weaknesses, their passions, and their fears. When we truly understand who our children are as people, we can then gently lead them into a productive, fulfilling adulthood. And third, I had to learn how to love them. We all have different love languages, according to Gary Chapman, author of the Five Love Languages and many other books on the subject. Children, especially young ones, don't care about the complications of the world; they just want to know that you love them and need that love to reach them on their level. For that matter, the older ones are much the same; they just care more about gaining independence and finding their place in the world. Lastly, they will always need me no matter how old they get.

What is your blogging philosophy?

Though I haven't been at it long, I have developed a sense of who I am as a daily blogger. Women need to know that other women care, feel, think, create, love, hate, make mistakes, and even royally screw up from time-to-time. It is my job to portray a real person with a real life. And if I can make that interesting and occasionally amusing then I've succeeded as a blogger.

You will never find me without...


My coffee, my laptop, my lip gloss, my phone, ibuprofen, and normally my toddler; in which case, I would not be without at least one diaper, wipes, and some sort of snack food. As well, I try not to leave my brain, my wit, and my patience behind.

Day job:

At this time, I consider myself to be a SAHM who happens to be a writer (aspiring novelist), a blogger, and a Journey Coach. I've been doing the latter for years but just haven't received an income from it. Eventually, I hope to attract some "paying clients" through the blog and other means of promotion. I will also continue to do pro-bono work for women who can't afford the service. My areas of specialty are wellness, beauty, image consulting, self-awareness, and confidence building.

Favorite Stuff:

Music: I love Jazz, Blues, Piano instrumentals, and any artist who has written lyrics worth listening to, (like John Mayer, Gavin Degraw, Norah Jones, Led Zepplin, Evanescence, Michael W. Smith, and so many more.

Food: I could live on Asian food. Sushi and Chinese rice are my favorites. I would kill for the world's last piece of Tirimissou and often salivate for caramel popcorn. And if someone ever does away with coffee, I'd would become something inhuman.

Tv/ Movies: My all-time favorite TV show is Alias. I've watched the series three times all the way through; it never gets old. Currently, I enjoy all three of the CSI's, Secret Life (watch it with the teens), Fringe (can't wait till it starts again), Ghost Hunters, and random design shows on HGTV (I was an interior designer in my past life). =) As far as movies, you can pretty much gather from my TV list that I like the paranormal genre, crime/psychological thrillers, and detective dramas; among my faves are, Deja Vu, Butterfly Affect, Somewhere In Time, Frequency, Man on Fire, and 13 Going on Thirty (the whole time travel thing is pretty cool).

Reading: Again, I enjoy the thriller genre; Dean Koontz is my hero. I like Stephen King, Sandra Brown, and Lisa Gardner. Also, I try to read as many self-help books as I can, and the occasional decorating book slips in there.

If you had to wear a T-shirt with your favorite saying on it what would it be?

Honestly, I really hate wearing T-shirts that say things; I think people are staring at my boobs. But if I had to, I guess one that said "Inspired" would be OK.

Favorite stores to shop at:

Well, if I have the rare opportunity to buy clothes for myself and the ability to afford them, I'd be at The Limited, Banana Republic, Forever 21, or DSW. For home furnishings, I love Pier One, Pottery Barn, and stores that carry Moroccan style decor.

If you could trade with a blogger for the day who would it be?

I would trade with Genny at My Cup to Yours because she was one of the first bloggers to befriend me when I was brand spanking new and she is so gifted, Tammy from A Mom in Red High Heels because she has the inside scoop on a mom's beauty needs and a smokin' following, and there's Amy from A Bitchin' Wives Club; she is so free and hilarious (potty mouth...but who cares) with every post whether its about her recent surgery or a piece of clothing that she hates. Frankly, I give every woman credit who puts themselves out there on the web. Go Bloggers!!!

Other good stuff from Kellie:

One thing I've learned about women is that not every thing is always as it seems. So, just when I think someone is happy, or sad, rich, or poor, successful, or in the gutter, I take a step back and try not to base my opinion on what the surface may be presenting to me. I always try to give friendship time to grow and for the special people in my life to emerge from the crowd one day at a time. I hope to meet more fabulous women on my blogging journey. Be well-be beautiful.

Please be sure to leave some comment love for Kellie in this post and visit her site at Women's Life Link.

If you would like to be a featured reader (now don't be shy) please send me a email to with a link to your blog. If you are a regular reader and I haven't asked you about being featured shame on me, send me an email licky split!


  1. Kristen,

    Thanks for the love! It's surreal reading about myself on someone else's site. I'm looking forward to getting to know each other better.


  2. hi there,
    i love that you do this! it is so nice to see people reach out to others in bloggy land! love it. have a wonderful day!

  3. Cool feature :) new site for me to visit :)

  4. It was very nice to meet you Kellie! How do you do it with the teens/tweens in the house? I've got just one tween! I hear you about the stuffed animals, currently her room is full of WEBKINZ very close to 170 of them, we won't talk about the other stuffed animals in storage.

    Kristen - I got my necklace today, and I LOVE it. I am wearing it as I type. I will blog about it and give you a shout out!!!

  5. How fun to meet someone new...

  6. Nice to meet her. She's new to me so I'll check her blog out!

    Great feature, as always, Kristen!

  7. Awesome Guest this week!! You rocked this one!! Can't wait to read her blog!!

  8. Hello~ Nice interview with my friend Kellie! Every new thing I learn about her makes me realize how happy I am to have met her! Now I know we have the exact same taste in books! I have been writing on Kellie's blog about Anti-Aging Skin Care, and will soon be having my own blog on that subject. And now, I have another blog to bookmark and read, I like this one!

  9. Kellie!

    I'm so happy to see you here!

    Thanks for the sweet words, and it was so fun to read this post and learn even more about you.

    I love your dedication to your family (great picture by the way!) and to your blog. You share so many helpful and inspiring tips and I like how you remind women that they (we) don't have to be perfect. I think that is so important. I love your motto too of being well, being beautiful!


  10. Thank you everyone for all the love. I feel so a princess or something. I'm glad to know you my friends and look forward to meeting the rest of you ladies.


    P.S. It is difficult with the teen girls and the tween boy. They struggle to get along at times...who am I kidding-all the time!

  11. What fun! I love Kellie! She leaves such thoughtful, relevant comments on my blog - and I always enjoy hearing what she has to say since she is a "seasoned" mom of six. :)

    P.S. Kellie, I can't wait for Fringe to start either. I think the season debuts next week!

  12. I forgot to say that Kellie's family is absolutely beautiful!

  13. Just me chiming in to leave another comment for you! :)

  14. Great blog!My kids are spaced out almost the same! I am new so please stop by!

  15. that was really nice!

    i loved reading it..

    i am coming over from amy's today so please consider this as 1 vote for her..


Thanks for leaving some comment love!