Monday, June 22, 2009

Featured Reader: Let me Introduce you to....

La Dolce Vita

Hello friends! I hope everyone had a great weekend and I hope all of the Dad's had a very special day! We went to the Motor Muster at The Henry Ford and had a lot of fun, it was car heaven for both of my boys! I am outnumbered when it comes to many things so I need to learn to love some boy stuff.

I always love introducing you to my fab readers and have the great pleasure of introducing you to Kara of Eli's Lids this week! Kara and I met on Twitter and became fast friends. I love Kara's lids and T- shirts. Will has a lid from Eli's Lids and two of their T-shirts. What I love about them is how trendy they are and Will says the T-shirts are his "most comfy", trust me they are super soft. Please grab your beverage of choice and get to know my friend Kara.


Kara-Noel Lawson of Eli's Lids


Eli (my inspiration)

Cora Jane (my sidekick)

How did you start blogging?

I solely started blogging because it was free advertising for Eli’s Lids. Then a funny thing happened… I fell in love with the community. I love love love blogging!

Eli's Lids Blog

What is your parenting philosophy?

My parenting philosophy is to make Eli and Cora Jane’s childhood magical. I hope they look back on my years with them and get a warm fuzzy inside… not material to discuss with their therapist!!

You will never find me without.....

A water bottle. I’m constantly concerned that I might get dehydrated. Dehydration is my scapegoat. “Sorry I’m so cranky, I must be dehydrated…” “I was way too tired to fold t

he laundry, I must be dehydrated…” You get the idea. I’m a dork!

Day job:

I am the founder, owner and sole worker for Eli’s Lids (aka hats). I started sewing Eli’s Lids after our firstborn, Eli, was born. I created the pattern myself with style and practicality in mind. Eli’s Lids are stylish, just look at them:

And practical! The smaller size fits size newborn to 1-year-old and

the larger size fits a 1-year-old to a 5-year old. It even fits my head!

Eli’s Lids has a huge heart for kids! We donate 10% of our profits to ACT Today! An awesome nonprofit organization whose mission is to increase access to effective autism treatments.

Favorite Stuff:

Music: My favorite band is Jars of Clay. David Crowder Band is a close second.

Food: I like everything… That’s the problem. I could live on candy.

Tv/ Movies: The Office is the only show we watch… REALLY, we don’t have TV so we watch in on the internet! My all time favorite move is Goonies.

Reading: I love love love reading. Right now I’m reading through The Wheel of Time (an epic sci-fi series).

If you had to wear a T-shirt with your favorite saying on it

what would it be?

Live in the Moment!

Favorite stores to shop at:

Anthropologie & The Dollar Tree

If you could trade with a blogger for the day who would it be?

I’ve never thought about that! I would love to have the modern vintage creativity of my favorite blogger Stephanie Neilson from the Nie Nie Dialogues Nie Nie Dialogues

Other Good Stuff from Kara:

I love being a wife and mommy! I hope you visit my blog and are inspired to do a craft with your kiddos or make out with your hubby, or at least have a laugh at my expense!

Kara is graciously offering a 20% discount in her shop HERE just enter code Kristin until 7/31/09!

If you would like to be a featured reader please send a link to yoru blog to


  1. Wow, those are some cute hats - fun blog, too!

  2. Good Morning...I visted her blog and LOVE her cute shirts. And it was really neat to read how you got started making your beautiful jewlery.
    I hope you have a blessed week.

  3. Awesome! I'll blog about it today or tomorrow. Just go back from a trip to Las Vegas (I hate it there) and we are still exhausted from the drive!

  4. Love those hats awesome feature :)

  5. I'm a huge Goonies fan, too! Thanks for the great interview!


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