Monday, June 8, 2009

Featured Reader: Let me introduce you to.....

La Dolce Vita

Hello friends! I hope everyone had a great weekend. Hubby was away for work over the weekend so it was just Will and I. I so enjoy my time with Will. It wasn't all play though Father's Day orders are in full swing so it was work, play, work, play you get the idea! Will has become quite the helper especially at the post office! Be sure to enter my Father's Day giveaway HERE.

I waited to announce the winner of my featured reader contest in this post, the winner is Miranda of A Duck in her pond. My featured readers have an opportunity to win a custom piece from my shop. If you would like to be a featured reader please send me an email at Congratulations Miranda!!

Now on to the best part of the week a new featured reader!

I am really excited to introduce you to Tori of Mompreneur Musings: The Quest For Balance and owner of Zoe Foods. Tori is a busy WAHM of two girls and you have to visit her blog you will find it to be good for the mind, body and soul! I also love Tori's food so much that I just couldn't wait to feature her review and giveaway so after reading her interview please head HERE and enter for a chance to win a Super Sampler Set. Did I already say that I/we are in love with Zoe foods. Now go grab your beverage of choice and get to know my friend Tori.


Tori of Mompreneur Musings: The Quest For Balance


One amazingly supportive husband who has watched me start my com

pany, Zoe Foods, two intelligently silly girls ages five and six-and-a-half who keep us on our toes, and one big, cuddly dog who is always at my side.

How did you start blogging?

I started blogging for Zoe Foods so that my company’s customers could get to know me as the company’s founder. The funny thing is that I’ve come to the point that I love writing and at this point, almost prefer working on my blog more than my business! From this discovery, I am busy

working on launching a new business part-time!

If you are a parent do you have a parenting philosophy?

I feel like I have four kids: my two girls obviously, our family’s dog who has had all sorts of medical challenges which he has overcome, and my company Zoe Foods, otherwise known as my brain child. My philosophy is eerily similar for all, love and nurture them, treat them with respect, and whoever screams the loudest will be most likely to get my attention in the moment ;-)

You will never find me without......

I am embarrassed to say… my Iphone. It has become the backup hard drive to my brain and the way to communicate with everyone I know whether by phone, email, text, Facebook, or Twitter!

Day job:

I am a mom, wife, daughter, and friend, and last but not least, an

entrepreneur. I started Zoe Foods because I've always been passionate about making a difference in people's lives and thought that a natural foods company would be the perfec

t way to do just that. My company makes Zoe’s Granolas and Z

oe’s Bars that taste so great you won’t believe that they’re really

good for you (check out the nutrition facts). I started my blog because juggling all of my different roles in life is out of control, and I'm just beginning to see the comedy in it all. S

o please join me on my journey and share your thoughts and experiences, and together we might just make someone smile.

Favorite Stuff:

Music: Just about anything Reggae, Mozart, and Jack Johnson (how’s that for a mix!)

Food: Zoe’s Granolas for breakfast, and Zoe’s Bars for a snack (need you ask?)

Tv/ Movies: Waking Ned Devine, Private Practice, and Eli Stone

Reading: Authors – Ayn Rand & Jodi Piccoult. Books: Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China, by Jung Chang, and West With The Night, by Beryl Markham.

If you had to wear a T-shirt with your favorite saying on it what would it be?

Keep dreaming, keep believing, and keep achieving!

Favorite stores to shop at: Amazon and little local boutiques for clothes

If you could trade with a blogger for the day who would it be?

Tough choice between being influential and a journalist, or just downright funny. For the first, I’d choose Arianna Huffington (, and for the latter, Anna Lefler (

Now please leave Tori some comment love, we all love comments! Please also visit her blog.


  1. It was fun meeting Tori...and you know she's smart and has great taste when she picked Anna Lefler...she is HILARIOUS. Thanks for introducing us to her and her blog. I'll go check it out now.

  2. Wow thats quite the music mix! Off to go make a new bloggy friend!

  3. Cool feature as always :)


Thanks for leaving some comment love!