Friday, June 12, 2009

Aloha Friday

I am joining in on all the fun with Aloha Friday. I need something new and since two of my favorite bloggy friends, Jenni of Jiggety Jigg and Melissa of Proud Mommy's Daily Drama and Great deals, are doing it I feel it even more necessary to join in!

Here is my question.

Do you have a favorite summertime Tv show or series?

I have several favorites:

Amy Wives
Burn Notice
The Closer
True Blood (a new favorite I am watching season one on DVD right now)

Happy Friday friends! And a special hello to new friends visiting!!!

Have you entered my Father's Day giveaway for either a hand stamped key chain or custom golf ball marker? Enter HERE


  1. SHHH! Don't tell anyone: I'm hooked on I'm a Celebrity-- Get Me Get of Here!

    P.S. Who won the last two contests (Zoe's Food and the skin care procucts)?

  2. We don't have TV, but summer time is our time to watch every movie in our collection. The rule is: nothing twice!

  3. Well I usually dont watching to many tv shows. Our tv is always on sports when we are home.
    I do like American Choppers and Jon & Kate plus 8!! Oh and the next food network star is on now too!

  4. Hi! I love your site. I laughed so hard--I needed that:) Thanks for stopping by mine. Heather

  5. True Blood - definitely! I can't wait for Sunday! I also watch The Next Food Network Star.

  6. I hate summertime TV - none of MY favorite shows are on. But I am going to give Army Wives a try this season because I keep hearing how great it is.

    Have a Great Weekend! My Aloha Friday

  7. I like The Closer and maybe this time I'll start watching some new ones :)

  8. I am watching I'm a celebrity get me out of here lol I don't know why I am watching this but I am .. lol I get all wrapped up into all these silly reality shows.

    I haven't heard of True Blood.. Hmm.. I'll check it out.

  9. Love "Army Wives" if I can just remember to turn it on - we don't watch near as much telly in the summer! Also love "America's Got Talent"!!

  10. I've not had one, but I am going to start watching Army wives this season.

  11. I do love Army Wives but I am a season behind. Need to catch up! :o)

  12. Definitely So You Think You Can Dance, but I am also enjoying I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out of Here!

  13. Not really. In the summer I try to do other things. I like So You Think You Can Dance, but always forget it is on.

  14. Oh I love True Blood, too!

    I also looooove So You Think In You Can Dance, and Big Brother!

  15. Ghost Hunters and GH International are my favorites.

  16. Oh yeah: So You Think You Can Dance! :-)

  17. I'm really not a t.v. watcher. I do watch DVD's of older t.v. shows.

  18. Kristen~ Thank you for your kind words on my post..I am sorry to hear that you too know this pain..It stinks, I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy!

    You know I do not hardly get to watch any shows during the summer:(

  19. I watch the same shows that you listed except for the last one; True Blood. I never heard of it but now I need to check it out. My husband and I enjoy Burn Notice, The Closer and Army Wives. This is fun!

  20. So You Think You Can Dance! Hands down!


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