Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Featured Reader: Let me introduce you to...

La Dolce Vita

Happy Tuesday friends! I hope everyone had a fabulous Memorial Day weekend. We stayed home and had great plans to accomplish so much around the house but I spent much of the weekend playing catch up on orders. We did attend a really fun B-Day party for Will's friends, good food, good friends and good conversation!

I am very excited to introduce you to the lovely Miranda of A Duck In Her Pond, Miranda is not only beautiful but she is also very funny and a wonderful writer. Miranda has published work, Twelve Tales Of Christmas and two upcoming pieces Miss Pickles and Twirl. Visit here for updates, how fab is that? Now please grab a cup of joe and get to know my friend Miranda.


In the real world, I go by Miranda. In the blog world, I am the whimsical storyteller known as the Blond Duck of A Duck In Her Pond.


I ‘m married to my college sweetheart, Ben and we have two Chihuahuas, Bitty and Bear. They’re littermates and the light of our lives!

How did you start blogging?

After I graduated from college, Ben and I moved to San Antonio for his new job. I had spent senior year reading blogs and had always wanted to write one. Since I had just finished my first novel, I thought a blog would be a good way to get my name into the writing world. Eventually, it turned into what it is


What is your blogging philosophy?

My blogging philosophy is to keep things positive and light. In the Pond, there are no tragedies. There are no bad days. There is just pie and whimsical stories and mystical creatures. There’s plenty of other blogs that will give you grit and reality and thought provoking posts. My goal is to make you smile and make your day a little bit brighter.

You will never find me without......

A notepad to jot down ideas!

Day job:

During the day, I work for a large metropolitan daily newspaper owned by a national publishing company. At night, I strive to bring my books to the masses. My goal is to publish short novels that women can easily read in one sitting—I call them bathtub books, because you could read them as quick as a bathtub soak. My stories have adventure, romance, fantasy and fun. I’m going to release a new one in about a month and hope to get more out soon. To see my style, readers can check out the Never Ending Stories tab on my blog. There, you can read three stories that are featured on my blog every week in a serial format.

Favorite Stuff:

Music: Country. Come on, I’m a good ol’ Texas girl!

Food: First and foremost, pie! Dutch crumb apple pie, peanut butter pie, pecan pie and pumpkin pie. Then we’ve got fried chicke, mac and cheese, bacon cheeseburgers and French Fries slathered in ketchup, chicken fried steak and mashed potatoes, waffles, pancakes and biscuits….

Just park me at a road side diner somewhere and come back a couple hours later. You may need the jaws of life to get me out.

Tv/ Movies: Legally Blond, Enchanted, You’ve Got Mail, Penelope, Sleeping Beauty

Reading: Anything but Madeline L’Engle, several of the books by Bruce Coville and the BFG by Raold Dahl. Elizabeth Peters is fabulous and I adore Shannon Hale! I tend to read a lot of children’s and young adult books…I haven’t found many “adult” authors I like.

If you had to wear a T-shirt with your favorite saying on it what would it be?

“Be a happy duckie!” or “Will work for burgers and pie.”

Favorite stores to shop at:

New York and Company, Ann Taylor Loft and Ann Taylor, Express and Francesca’s.

If you could trade with a blogger for the day who would it be and please provide the link.

Marie from a Year from Oak Cottage. (http://www.ayearfromoakcottage.com/) She’s just so sweet and was my first real blog friend. She inspires me every day.

If I could visit anyone, I’d go visit Pam from For the Love of Cooking (http://fortheloveofcooking-recipes.blogspot.com/) or Katherine from Smoky Mountain CafĂ© (http://smokymountaincafe.blogspot.com/).

Other good stuff from Miranda:

While right now most of my stories can be seen on my blog, I'm looking forward to having several pieces published soon. It is my goal to bring whimsical written adventures to both children and women. I want my stories to excite and move you, to inspire and electrify. I also hope to open a animal shelter for abandoned dogs and farm animals in the future. After living in a city where so many dogs are killed or abandoned every day, I hope to be able to give each dog a home and love in their lives.

I hope you all come to the Pond to learn more about me! You can visit A Duck In Her Pond

Please be sure to leave Miranda some comment love. We all love comments!!!!

If you would like to be a featured reader please send me a link to your blog to klacustomcreations@comcast.net, my lovely featured readers have a chance to win a custom piece from my shop!


  1. Cool feature as always, off to check her site :)

  2. Great interview! Blond Duck is definitely a brilliant writer!

  3. I will definitely go over and check out her blog! :)

  4. I love Miranda! She was a good choice.

  5. Thank you for itroducing us to Miranda... I just visited "A Duck in Her Pond", and I love it!

  6. Oh, she rocks.

    She always makes me want pie!

  7. Thank you so much Kristen! It was so nice of you to feature me! I love the interview!

  8. Such a great, great feature. I was stopping by The Pond today when I noticed that Miranda is appearing here today. I definitely did not want to miss my chance to stop by and show my support.

    Her site is what she says...always light and fun. That is what keeps me coming back again and again!


  9. OH Duckie I am so honored that you think so much of me. I am glad that I inspire you coz little lady you surely inspire me. I think of you as the daughter I got to choose for myself. :-)

  10. Hell, I'm following you through the MBC Follow Me Club! Nice to "meet" you. Please follow me back. Thanks =)

  11. Did someone say pie? Off to have a look around!

  12. I love the blonde duck!! She is great.

  13. Thank you for introducing me to this blog! I think it's just great and I know my mother will agree.

  14. I always adore these features. Off to read.

  15. I love this lady - her blog is so fun :) Great to learn more about her.


Thanks for leaving some comment love!