Monday, May 4, 2009

Featured Reader: Let me introduce you to....

La Dolce Vita

Happy Monday friends! Where did the weekend go? I spent the weekend making jewelry and have the blisters to prove it! I miss visiting my blog friends and am sorry I haven't visited much, but I will be back soon. I love Monday's since I have the pleasure of introducing you to one of my fabulous friends. Jo of Life's Perfect Pictures is a fabulous Mama of two, is a SAHM who also has a photography business on the side and she takes the most gorgeous pictures you have to see this POST. Please grab a cup of joe and get to know my friend Jo!

Name: - Jo Brazzell of Life’s Perfect Pictures and Picture Perfect by Jo.


I have been married to the love of my life for 17 years and we

have a son, age 16 and a daughter who just turned 2. No this is not a typo, there are 14 years between the two kids!

How did you start blogging?

I originally started blogging to keep in touch with family scattered all other the world! It gave them the opportunity to see photos of the kids and keep track of what we were all up to!


If you are a parent do you have a parenting philosophy?

If not a parent what is your blogging philosophy? My parenting style is pretty laid back, although it didn't use to be that way! When my son was little I wanted to get it all right and now I roll with the flow. It is kind of funny because he is laid back and she is a little demanding diva! I also worked when he was younger but now I believe that it is more important for ME to be the one raising my child.

You will never find me without......My camera or my cell phone! The camera because taking photos is a passion and my cell because I am always on it!

Day job:

I am a SAHM who has transformed her passion for photography into a great side business! Under the name Picture Perfect by Jo, I do family photography including weddings and large group events! I can work my schedule so that one of us is always home with the baby and she never needs to go to a sitter. There is nothing better than capturing the perfect moment in someone’s life! I never get tired of talking to people and immortalizing their memories.

Favorite Stuff:

Music: All! I was a County Music DJ for years but I can handle just about anything!

Food: Italian! I would love to go to Italy and taste some true old world Italian!

Tv/ Movies: Reality TV just because it makes me laugh!

Reading: The Mother Daughter Project, 5 Conversations You Must Have With Your Daughter and anything else that I can get my hands on!

If you had to wear a T-shirt with your favorite saying on it what would it be?

Live Beautiful from my friend Jessica’s site To Live Beautiful! I think it says it all!

Favorite stores to shop: Favorite stores are are on line! I love Etsy and, of course, Target!

Misc stuff: I sing with a praise band and have a great time doing it! Music is just such a huge part of me!

If you would like to be a Featured Reader here at La Dolce Vita please send a link of your blog to my readers have a chance to win a custom necklace from my shop.


  1. I concur, Jo does rock! As you can see she is super talented. I LOVE to learn her photo tips and tricks.

  2. Do you know why Jo's pictures make me smile?? Did you see yesterday's post?? Well that's why!

  3. Jo is like one of the best blogging friends ever! I love her photography, her posts and her thoughtfulness.

    I'm glad she was a featured reader and that it brought me here to your blog again. :)


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