Thursday, March 5, 2009

Thousand Words Thursday: The germ freak visits Chuck E Cheese's

Will went to Chuck E Cheese's for the first time, it was for my nephews 5th Birthday party. Will had so much fun he was running around clapping his hands! I think his Dad had just as much fun. For me it was a experience! I am a germ freak so I felt like I was being forced to do an OCD exercise. You know where they make you lick say trash to get over your fear. I also had the pleasure of climbing up in those tubes that are attached to the ceiling, since Will wouldn't come down and someone had to go get him! All I can say is that is was really STINKY up there and I don't want to know why.

We also went to Build-A-Bear it was a surprise present for my nephew, and guess what Aunt Kristen made a 5 year old very happy! Will now has a Batman Build-A-Bear to add to his collection.

Take a guess how long it will be before we return to Chuck E Cheeses again?

If you would like to participate in Thousand Words Thursday please visit Cheaper Than Therapy Jen.


  1. LOL I'm guessing you'll go like NEVER AGAIN LOL I wish I can say the same for me :( I hear you about the odd smell LOL but unfortunately for me Princess wants to go there for her 4th b-day next month and of course for the first time to Build a Bear that should be fun :)

    Cool pictures BTW :)looks like you had fun (well Will and Daddy) You, I know how you felt :)

  2. Good for you--making it through Chuck E Cheese. Now there's an experience in germs if I ever saw one! :)

  3. HAHAHA! Well at least you went this time! :)

  4. Oh man I totally agree!!!! Not enough purell in the world!!! :o)

  5. I know the feeling...I'm a teacher and a germ freak. All that snot and finger sucking. ewwww....
    cute pictures!

  6. My guess is that if Will loves CC, it will be less than a WEEK before mom and dad will take Will back!! :)

  7. i love chuck e cheese. hope you didn't get too many germs.

  8. LOL! Sounds like you had an okay time even with the germs. I don't think you will be going back anytime soon though. ;)

  9. I'm extremely proud to say that I live 2 hours from Chuck E....Yeah!

    Happy ATWT!

  10. funny...I think all the noise of Chuck E Cheese makes me ADD! I've been wasn't that great. Now Build-a-Bear I could go to everyday. At least you conquered your fear and went to celebrate with your nephew (and no one needs to know about the 3 showers you had to take to get all the germs off!

  11. Hello...fellow germaphobe here! YUCK! You need a body condom to climb up in those tubes! You poor thing! I was shuddering just reading it!

    I LOVE the Bear Buddies! Cute!

    and as always...fabulous photos!

  12. Never?
    I'm so glad my daughter has outgrown CEC!

  13. chuck e cheese grosses me out too. it will be a loooooooooooong time before my son visits there. :)

  14. UM, Never!! LOL, I know what you mean..*shudder* but those buildabears's SO cute!!

  15. Lol I'm sorry you had to go into the tubes! We were there last weekend and I was considering bribing an older kid with some tokens to get my son down because he would not come out!

  16. I'm gonna go with "never" isn't soon enough. ;)
    Good for you for making it through!

  17. I am thinking it will be awhile...

    (I hate that place. Ick!)

  18. Just imagaine me throwing my husband's 35th birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese. REAAALLLY looooong story. LOL! Imagine working there? Yikes

    (Hi, I just followed you from the Follow Me Club on MBC--looking forward to following your blog).

  19. Chuck's place stresses me out...

    And speaking of the playarea-tube-thingys...
    my youngest once came walking back to our table all funny... because her bum was covered in ice cream. She had come down the slide... said the boy girl in front of her had an ice cream bar
    (from the vending machine) and had dropped it on her way down. Of course, my kid was right behind her and got it all down her backside.

    who allows their kid to buy an ice cream and then take it into the jungle gym-thingy with them??!!?!?!!

  20. I'm guessing a long, long time, if ever. I never really thought about the contamination in those places. Ewwwww!

  21. You survived Chuck E. Cheese! WooHoo! :) Love the pictures! :)

  22. We have only been once and for a party. I will not say that I won't be back but I will say it is not my desired destination!


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