Friday, March 6, 2009

Happy Birthday, Barbie! 50 and still looking fabulous!

Happy Birthday Barbie: The cultural icon
Happy Birthday Barbie: The cultural icon - by klacustomcreations on

Can you believe Barbie is turning 50 this month? I wish I had Barbie's anti-aging secrets, oh wait she is plastic! I have so many fond memories of playing with my Barbie's. Barbie is a true cultural icon and so poplular that 3 Barbie dolls are sold every minute! Here is to you Barbie! Happy Birthday wishing you another half century of fabulousness!

Do you have fond memories of playing with your Barbie dolls??

This article was recently published at the Southtown Star you can read it here and was originally featured at Beautiful! Fabulous!


  1. I LOVE Barbies!! No really, I do! Well, did. I had a ton of them when I was a little girl. I loved to dress them up and do their hair. I was sooo girlie! Well, happy birthday to Barbie! Wow, 50 years!

  2. I sure hope I look that great when I'm 50...

  3. Happy B-day Barbie :)

  4. I have lots of fond memories. I loved making clothes for them out of scraps of material and then having them go on dates with Ken.

  5. I loved Barbies when I was a little girl and now I get to play with them again with my little girls.

  6. I was always jealous b/c my friend had the Barbie Motorhome!!!! :o)

  7. I loved barbies when I was growing up, I think I played with them til I was like 12. My girls don't really play with them much which saddens me because I love Barbie!
    Happy 50th Barbie you look Great!!!

  8. I use to have my Barbie hook up with my New Kids on the Block dolls. My baby was so over Ken!
    HA HA HA

  9. Love your polyvore Barbie collage! Zen Cupcake is having a fabulous Barbie giveaway! (Stila Can included!)

    I was a Malibu Barbie girl!

  10. When I was growing up, my mom wanted to make sure us kids had individuality - so my older sister always got Barbie, I always got one of her friends, and my younger sister always got Skipper... :) So when I got older, I started collecting Barbie, then started customizing my own Barbie dolls...I have about 400 Barbies stashed in my attic. Guess I love Barbie, too! ;)

  11. Visiting from the Virtual GNO!

    Did you hear they released a Tattoo Barbie? She's certainly come a long way!

  12. I can't believe she's over the hill.

  13. I can't believe she has been around for 50 years!

    Just stopping by to say hello....Happy VGNO!!!!

  14. I used to have one of the very first barbie dolls ever made from my aunt - she has the biggest boobs ever!

  15. I just turned fifty last year and I don't look like that. How come? Oh yeah, it's that whole plastic thing she has going on.

    Happy VGNO!

  16. And she still looks good. Stopping in from the GNO

  17. i am so glad my daughter is old enough to be in to barbies now :) we sit on her bedroom floor and have a blast!

    came over for VGNO *cheers*

  18. I love the Barbie t-shirt! CUTE!

  19. Not only does she still look great but she has such great clothes and homes and cars and...

  20. Stopping back by to freshen up your drink from the VGNO... ;)

  21. I had a barbie bus, and I though that was amazing! I got it for Christmas from Santa. I think that is my best Barbie memory:)

  22. I loved Barbie, can't wait til my daughter gets to play with them too! Happy Friday & VGNO! Erin

  23. Hi, I am from the follow me club. I am following you. I look forward to your updates. Donna

  24. I remember that my grandmother had bought a bunch of barbies for one of my cousins who ended up moving away, but she kept them anyway. When I discovered those barbies, I wanted to play with all of them, but she let me play with just two of them. She still has them, waiting for my cousin to get them.

  25. Barbie continues to be a genius toy, especially since girls like to imagine themselves grown up and Barbie helps them do that


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