Monday, March 16, 2009

Featured Reader: Let me introduce you to....

La Dolce Vita

Happy Monday friends! I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend. We had a weekend of sunshine and 50 degrees which meant a lot of time outside playing and a bit of yard clean up, it was refreshing! I can hardly wait to plant flowers, in Michigan to be safe we have to wait until after Mother's Day. Now on to my fabulous featured reader.

I have the pleasure of introducing you to the very sweet Lolli of Life is Sweet. Do you ever meet a Mom and wonder how she does it all? That is how I feel about Lolli, not only is she sweet as can be but she also is an amazing Mom of 5 kiddos, she runs several blogs, has a joint business venture with her husband and is a photographer! Lolli's blog is always very inviting and is a must read on my list. Please grab a cup of joe and get to know my friend Lolli!


Lolli of Life Is Sweet.


I have been married to my husband for almost 14 years, and we have 5 great kids--ages 12, 9, 8, 6, and 3. The 8 and 3 year olds are my boys--the other 3 are girls.

How did you start blogging?

I started blogging in October 2007 after reading some friends' blogs. I was inspired and decided to jump on the blogging boat. I blogged about my family and our comings and goings pretty casually for a year, and then kicked things up in November 2008, when I started blogging daily.

What is your parenting philosophy?

My parenting philosophy? Hmm.....each child is different and each day Boldis different for each child. In other words, there are no rules that are universal cure-alls, except LOVE. I jsut love my kids, teach them good principles, and take one day (or minute) at a time.

You will never find me without......My camera. I'm a little obsessed!

Day job:

I am a teacher by degree, and a mom by choice. I stay home with my kids, and blog and do photography on the "side." In my "spare time" I am helping develop and promote our new business, Peanut Butter~Language Learning That Sticks ( It is the hardest thing imaginable to run a start up company and to put all our eggs in one basket. It's a pretty cool language learning program, so we're hoping for big things from it soon!

Favorite Stuff:

Music: Country!

Food: I love anything that's well-seasoned. Meat, pasta, you name it. I love to eat just about anything I didn't prepare.

Tv/ Movies: I love LOST. We don't have cable so anything we watch is either on DVD or online.

Reading: I love historical fiction. I recently joined a book club and have enjoyed reading lots of different types of books.

If you had to wear a T-shirt with your favorite saying on it what would it be?

Who knows?! Maybe "Smile!" since I'm always snapping a picture.

Favorite stores to shop at.....Strangely enough, my favorite store (the one I'd pick every time) is a thrift store called Unique. I get a thrill every time I find a great deal.

Other good things from Lolli:

I love blogging and all of the great women I've gotten to know through my blog. It's such an empowering place!

Please leave Lolli some comment love! If you would like to be a Featured Reader please send me an email at


  1. Lolli is a wonderful lady and I've been lucky enough to get to know her within the last six months or so! Great choice of bloggers to feature!

  2. I'm a her follower and I totally heart her blog.
    Lolli, grab a special award made for you from the top of my blog, next to the running mouse.

  3. It's so fun to be featured! Thanks for the opportunity, Kristen!

  4. Lolli is such a sweet wonderful lady and I LOVE her blog "Life is Sweet" !! Love her photograhpy and tips too!!


  5. Lolli is truly an amazing person and I feel blessed to have her as a friend. I love her blog and her photography is beautiful! I continue to learn so much from her...

  6. Hi Lolli
    Wow, do you lead a busy life. Ain't it grand though? I enjoyed your blog, I will definitely check out your personal blog too. I want to read up on your photography tips since I am also a bit of a camera nut.
    PS I love these necklaces.

  7. Lolli is well....pretty much amazing :) I always look forward to her blog posts filled with her amazingly talented photography skills. Makes me love photography more! :)

  8. Hi Lolli
    I'm leaving you this comment because all little girls should have a new piece of jewlery once in awhile. Hope she gets it.

  9. I love stopping by Lolli's blog. It's so fun to look at, and I love the photos she takes!

  10. Just another shout out for Lolli to get a necklace for her daughter for all her babysitting. KitKat babysits for me too as a service and we LOVE having her over. She deserves a little bling!

  11. She sounds great! I will definately check out her blog.

  12. Lolli's blogs are among my very favorite. Her posts, photos, and recipes are all inspiring!

  13. Lolli's blog along with yours are a couple of my fave. You ladies are always so friendly.

    Great parently philosophy Lolli. :)

  14. Lolli is a sweetheart...I love her blog - there is always something fun and interesting. She's always so nice to stop by my blog too. If you haven't gotten the chance to know her yet, you should!

  15. Lolli ~ Your blog always brings a smile to my face!

  16. I just found Lolli's blog a couple weeks ago and it is just plain fun to visit. She always has great photo's and topics and her blog is cute!!
    Great interview!

  17. I've seen her blog a few times and wonderful pictures - I have her blog on my list to check out deeper as soon as I have time - I guess I need to do that today!

  18. Lolli is the best! I am so glad she was featured here today because she is definitely worth getting to know.

  19. I'm in awe of Lolli's photography talent! Fantastic blog!!

  20. Hey- Love your blog, Lolli! Way to go girl!

  21. I recently got hooked on to Lolli having found here through I ♥ Faces. She is such an inspiration!

  22. I love Lolli's parenting philosophy!

  23. Lolli!

    Thank you for being such a loyal follower of Mona's Musings. I LOVE your blog and am delighted to learn about "Peanut Butter..." from this interview. You are definitely a visionary with loads of imagination and courage! I appreciate your sweetness in my life.


  24. Lolli is just as genuine in real life as she is in the blogging world. I can't believe I have known her now for nearly 12 years in which she and her family have been a wonderful part of mine and my extended family's lives. Thanks Lolli!

  25. I also wanted to add that I love Lolli's way of mothering and her photography too and everything she shares on her blog is so helpful from the recipes to the photography and her daily life stuff.

  26. And lastly, I wish Lolli and her husband the best of success in their new business!!

  27. Great interview Lolli! I agree with your parenting style and yes, each child is indeed different.

  28. Lolli has a beautiful blog and I love to hop over there often to see what she has to say! :0)

  29. Great feature :) off to check her site out :)

  30. Another "Lolli follower"! Love your blog and pictures :)

  31. Lolli is simply sweet!!!!!!!!!!! I found her through I Heart Faces, too, and she just makes me smile. Thanks for featuring her! :)

  32. I love reading Lolli's blog! I just started participating in her blog carnival on Fridays! Your necklaces are so pretty~ Lolli NEEDS one!

  33. I very much enjoyed reading this! I want to wish Lolli the best of luck in setting up this new undertaking with peanutbuttersticks. It takes a lot of work to do something like this, but it can be very rewarding as well. All my best!

  34. I often pop by her blog! It's so fun! Hope you have a good week.

  35. I came across you blog while sufing the internet. I love your new nicknames! Best of luck to you in all that you do. I hope your daughter gets her necklace.


  36. I love your blog and read it daily!

  37. I have been enjoying following Lolli's blog- and your necklaces are SO cute!!!

  38. I loved it!
    Lee from

  39. I met Lolli through the momlogic communities. I must say that from her words, she comes off as a sweet, kind and caring person. I'm glad to see her as your featured blogger.

  40. I love Lolli! You did good picking her as your featured blogger. She is so sweet. When I joined momlogic she was one of the very first ones to say hey and add me as a friend!

  41. I really hope to become obsessed with my camera too!

  42. Lolli and her family are great!

  43. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who doesn't have cable or any form of it. My kids probably think I make them live in the dinosaur age! But we also watch a lot of movies so it's not like they are completely out of touch.

  44. I'm leaving this in hopes that Lolli's daughter will get that pretty necklace...she deserves it.

  45. I am hoping that she will win so that her daughter can have that pretty little necklace! SHe deserves it!

  46. I've recently gotten to know Lolli and her blog and I love it. Great choice.

  47. Lolli is an amazing!! I love reading her blog with all her hilarious stories and gorgeous pictures. And I loved reading her interview!

  48. Wow, with all of these comments you have to win that necklace, right????lol

  49. This was so fun! I loved getting to know a few new things about you. And I adore your answer to the parenting philosophy question! Great job on this interview Lolli!

  50. Way to go Lolli! So great to see you here.

    Love and Prayers,


  51. I love Lolli's blog! Thanks for featuring her today :)

  52. Loved reading the interview, and blog! You are awesome!

  53. I'm going to check out your language program.

    Fun reading about you!

  54. I can attest, Lolli is as great as she sounds :o) Hope she gets the necklace!!!

  55. I am a new follower of yours, Lolli! And I love reading your blog! You are one busy and remarkable lady!

    Have a great week!

  56. I love Lolli's blog...and really enjoyed this fun interview! It's great getting to know our blogging friends better!

  57. Lolli's blog is fantastic! I always love reading the photo tips she puts on there and she has great stories about her kiddos!

  58. Five kids! Wow! You go girl :)

  59. It's nice to Lolli better. Thanks for doing this.

  60. Great interview! I love her blog

  61. LOVE Lolli. What a wonderful interview.

  62. I just found Lolli recently and really enjoy her blog. Nice interview!

  63. I love her blog. She takes amazing pictures:)

  64. I'm a new follower to Lolli, I love her blog and photos. Great feature.

  65. Just started reading Lolli's blog! Love it!

    Great interview!

  66. Lolli is a new friend and I've been excited to get to know her. This little feature helped. :)

    This one is for Kit-Kat!

  67. Lolli is one of my favorite bloggers. She's inspired me on more than one occasion. I'm taking more pics of my kids, and finding great buys at thrift stores because of her!

    This one's for Kit-Kat! Love you, Lolli!


Thanks for leaving some comment love!