Monday, March 30, 2009

Featured Reader: Let me introduce you to...

La Dolce Vita

Happy Monday friends! We had a weekend filled with friends, family, sunshine and some SNOW???? Yes we had a bit of snow so I guess we can't put away the snow boots. The snow didn't really stick so we will forgive Mother Nature.

I always love Monday's since not only do I get to know my featured better but so do you. I always learn a bit more when doing these features, so I guess even if you follow someones blog there is always more to discover.

I am pleased to introduce you to Kati of Country Girl, City Life . Kati and I have so much in common the girl loves Starbucks and the color pink, she had me at loving the color pink! Without further ado please grab your beverage of choice and get to know my friend Kati.

P.S. Just one more day to enter my contest to win a $50 gift certificate to my shop enter Here also I have a contest running for a Corneille CD HERE. Good luck!


My real name is Kati. No, it is not short for anything and is a totally unoriginal 80's name. My blog name is Country Girl, City Life.


I am married to the greatest man in the world, Heath. Kind of cliche, I know. We have 2 beautiful children together, Serenity (2.5 years), and Caeden (3 months).

How did you start blogging?

Boredom. Really, I was tired of myspace and the lack of real creativity. I love meeting new people without all the fake profiles and naked women. Blogging has turned into an obsession that I plan to have for as long as blogger exists.

What is your parenting philosophy?

My parenting philosophy? Hmm. Well, I was raised by my grandmother.. and well, I spent more time caring for her than being a kid. I pretty much wanted kids. My mom was a deadbeat who took off to England to avoid child support, and my dad was never around. I really believe in being there for your children. You MUST be an example to them. They depend on you to teach them what is right and what is wrong. I want to teach my children the value of giving and hard work, as well as the appropriate time to have a good time!

You will never find me without......

My purse. I carry everything in there. It is an endless pit of books, clothes, makeup, bottles, toys, diapers.. and crushed food!

Day job:

I am a SAHM, for the present time. I am currently a full time nursing student in the evenings. I graduate this summer and will be eligable to sit for my LPN test. In January 2010, I will begin the LPN to BSN program and begin working toward my RN. I MAY in the future go for my Masters degree, but that is still undecided. Don't get me wrong, I love being a SAHM.. but at the same time I feel it very important to keep a part of myself for me.. and my life.

Favorite Stuff:

Music: Country.

Food: I love carbs. It's bad, I know.

Tv/ Movies: Have at least one show per night on the DVR. Right now, I am obsessed with "The Big Bang Theory". Totally funny.

Reading: I don't really have a lot of time to read things other than my school books, but I did receive a Twilight book from a blog swap and I look forward to reading it.

If you had to wear a T-shirt with your favorite saying on it what would it be?

"I'm the Mommy That's Why".. I say it a million times a day!

Favorite stores to shop at:

I LOVE Old Navy. I buy most of the kids clothes from there. I buy my jeans at American Eagle (P.S. They now carry extra long).

Other good stuff from Kati:

I love to work out. I have a pink yoga mat, pink boxing gloves, pink shoes, a pink Ipod, pink work out pants, pink weights. Did I mention I like pink? I love Ebay and shopping. I believe in hard work and dedication to your cause. I am the sports junky in our house, NASCAR and Steelers football all the way! I have no fashion sense which is one reason I am going in to nursing.. scrubs! I play too many video games. I am constantly trying to eat healthy. I am all about self improvement... I have a long way to go! I am a Starbucks addict. I didn't get my drivers license until I was 19. My life is a little unconventional, but I LOVE it! I love meeting new people and being the center of attention!

If you would like to be a featured reader please send me an email at for details. Now please leave some comment love.


  1. Awesome feature :)

    Only a little of snow...we have over 5" LOL

  2. Oh I love Kati's blog! I was sad for her she had to change her name - but it doesn't make her page any less fun! She's a great blogger!

  3. Great choice! I am heading over right now.

  4. I love Kati, too! I found out so much about her that I didn't know today! Thanks for the interview!

  5. Shout out to Kati! I love her and I love her blog! She is a great writer and it is always fun to peek in a read whats going on in her life! She is someone I know in person, and she has got me into blogging! Just the fix I need! She is the best!

  6. Love your blog! Old Navy is great for finding deals for the little ones and yourself I try and shop there when I can.

  7. Great feature, Kristen! It's been a while since I've been over to her blog - thanks for the reminder! ;)

  8. Awesome! Kati's blog is great...and she's a lucky girl too-she won my giveaway last week!

  9. I am a devout reader of Kati's blog. Great interview.

  10. Great feature and so much fun to learn more about Kati. :)

  11. I came over to say hi after seeing Kati was being featured.

  12. Starbucks and the color pink!!! perfect!!! Kristen, you won my giveaway so send me your address!! :o)

  13. Great blog! I love Kati! She's a great bloggy friend! I have been reading her blog for a really long time and had fun learning more about her today!

  14. I love her blog and hate that shehad to change her name, but I still love it!

  15. She's totally cute! I am off to check out her blog!

    Oh! And I got my package today! Thank yooooooou!

  16. I'm a new Blogger but I love kati's blog!! I am excited to meet knew people so through Kati I have now added you to my blogs to follow!!

  17. I'm dropping by from Kati's blog to say that Kati is an AWESOME bloggy friend....Love her blog. We got a couple inches of snow here in Wisconsin saturday night but it was all gone by sunday night. We're now getting a crap ton of rain and more snow this weekend.

  18. That was a great feature, and great questions. I feel like I got to know Kati and little better.

  19. Great featured reader choice! Kati's a wonderful bloggy pal. Love her blog!


Thanks for leaving some comment love!