Monday, March 2, 2009

Featured Reader: Let me introduce you to....

La Dolce Vita

Happy Monday friends! Our weekend was filled with a lot of fun. We celebrated my Nephew's Birthday and had a lot of fun at Build-A-Bear, $60 dollars later and we have another bear! I hope everyone had a great weekend, I can't wait for spring to arrive!

I am really excited to introduce you to Courtney of Coco Cafe. Courtney is a wife, a mama, and has the most adorable son, Zeke who is 8 months old! I always start to spoil it so please grab a cup of joe or even better a cup of tea (read my review here of Librateas) and get to know my friend Courtney.

Name: Courtney of Coco Cafe


Well right now its my husband Josh, who is a computer programmer, my son Ezekiel, who is 8 months old and myself. We want more kids and are trying for a second already but we aren't too worried about the timing either, we are trusting God with that.

How did you start blogging?

At first it was just a way to keep in contact with our family (who all live in another state). An easy way to mass-share stories about my pregnancy and the baby, and of course pictures. But as you can probably guess, it quickly became so much more. Now not only is it a great way for our friends and family to keep in touch with what is happening with Zeke, it is a way for me to meet other mothers, to network, if you will. I love reading other mom-blogs, and getting advice and comments from more experienced mothers! I've also recently branched out, letting my blog give me a chance to talk about my many interests (even those that have nothing to do with my son...shocking I know).

If you are a parent do you have a parenting philosophy?

My parenting philosophy is just to do the best that I can. I feed Zeke the healthiest food that I can, spend as much time focused on him as I can, and am generally the best mother that I can be. But if I can't, well, I don't sweat it.

You will never find me without......

My cell phone. Or my Burts Bee's chap stick.

Day job:


Favorite Stuff:

Music: Bright Eyes, Iron and Wine, A Fine Frenzy, Death Cab for Cutie, Ingrid Michaelson, and other bands no one has heard of.

Food: ALL food. Really. I eat everything, and with zeal, and many times a day. My husband isn't sure how I stay a reasonable weight and regularly eat him under the table.

Tv/ Movies: I dont really watch TV other than House, I'm sooo addictive. But I love all sorts of movies, everything that isn't scary or sad. I figure there is enough of that in the real world.

Reading: I love the classics, Anna Karenina, A Tale of Two Cities, The Three Musketeers, Les Miserables, As I Lay Dying, seriosly I LOVED assigned reading in school. And my secret addiction is to sci-fi/fantasy. And I've read EVERYTHING written by the likes of C S Lewis, David Eddings, George RR Martin, J D Salinger, or Jane Austin. I also always read whatever book is "hot" at the moment. I never really enjoy it but I always read it. I think its a pride thing.

If you had to wear a T-shirt with your favorite saying on it what would it be?

Wow, hard question. Because I really dont have a favorite saying. And I shy away from shirts with words. Although I saw a shirt that said "Aerodynamically Curvacious" once and I almost died laughing, its funny no matter what shape you are, just in different ways.

Favorite stores to shop at

Ikea. I could live the rest of my life in Ikea.

Please be sure to leave Courtney some comment love!

If you would like to be a Featured Reader please send me an email at The wait time is about 6 weeks.


  1. Awesome, off to check her site :)

  2. I've never been to her site but I love coffee and chocolate so it has to be good!!!!

  3. Anyone who loves IKEA is down with me! :-D

  4. What a great idea. I love the interviews!

  5. Wow. How wonderful! Lovely interview.

  6. I have alot in common with this gal!

    I have never walked out of BABW for less than $50...ever! (I don't believe it's even possible!)

    Thanks for tagging me:) I can't wait to see with what!

  7. Very cute blog.
    I am looking forward to follow along!

    *visiting from Twittermoms*

  8. Thanks for the tip!
    Cute site!

    *visiting from Twittermoms*

  9. Thanks for the tip!
    Cute site!

    *visiting from Twittermoms*


Thanks for leaving some comment love!