Monday, February 2, 2009

Let me introduce you to.......

La Dolce Vita

Happy Monday friends! Can you believe it is February already! You know what Monday means, I have the pleasure of introducing you to one of my fabulous readers. It gives me great pleasure to introduce you to Shannon of Welcome to the NutHouse. Shannon is one funny gal, with a beautiful family and is a mama that you should follow, if you aren't already. I love the title of Shannon's Blog, Welcome to the NutHouse I can so relate. I won't spoil Shannon's answers but it is no wonder we follow each other we have a lot in common. We like the same shows and shop at the same stores. Grab your beverage of choice and get to know my friend Shannon.


Shannon of Welcome to the NutHouse


I’ve been married to my husband, Shane, for 11 years. We have two daughters, H (age 8) and M (almost 6).

How did you start blogging?

My good friend, Angie, had been blogging for a few months and I began reading her blog. One day Shane said to me, “You spend so much time reading Angie’s blog, why don’t you start one yourself?” I gave it some thought… and decided to take the plunge!

What is your parenting philosophy?

Life is busy and messy… but try and find joy in each day. Time goes by way too fast, so enjoy the moments you have together while you can!

You will never find me without...... lip gloss.

Day job:

I’ve been a SAHM for almost two years… while it’s the hardest job I’ve ever had, I am very grateful that I’m able to be home with my girls. Some days it does seem that I am busier now than when I was working, but I really wouldn’t have it any other way!

Favorite Stuff:

Music: I have a very wide range of favorites when it comes to music… Sam Cooke, Green Day, ABBA, The Police, Josh Groban, Puccini, The Beatles… I could go on and on and on…

Food: Italian, Chinese, Mexican… and nothing beats good ol’ Southern cooking: fried chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans, fried okra, cornbread, mac & cheese… mmmmm!

TV/ Movies: Lost, Grey’s Anatomy, The Amazing Race, Rescue Me, The Office, Survivor (yeah, I watch a lot of TV)… my favorite movies include Roman Holiday, Batman Begins (and pretty much anything else with Christian Bale in it) and Steel Magnolias

Reading: A few of my favorite authors are Nora Roberts, Janet Evanovich, Sue Grafton… and Stephanie Meyer (Yes!… I’m one of those Twilight-addicts)

If you had to wear a T-shirt with your favorite saying on it what would it be?

I love carbs.

Favorite stores to shop at:

Target, Old Navy, The Children’s Place

Now be sure to leave Shannon some comment LOVE!

If you are interested in being featured at my site please send me a email at
Win some Lip Balm Here


  1. I'm here to sing the praises of my good friend Shannon! I'm the Angie that she refers to in her answers. And I love your jewelry creations. Gorgeous stuff!

  2. I *heart* Shannon!
    Great little interview here~ It was a lot of fun reading and getting to know a bit more about her!

  3. Hey's Sam and Edie and Ella and Jon and Rubi and Tabasco and Gumbo......we want you to win that jury........(aka jewelry...) SAM

  4. Yay Shannon! Great answers! Congratulations on being featured! Enjoyed reading!

  5. I love her blog! Great interview :)

  6. Kristen you know I love me some Shannon. Love her. And if it wasn't for her I wouldn't have found you. So yeah Shanoon RoCkS in my book. She's awesome.

  7. I love your parenting philosophy, Shannon. It's so true. I now have a 14 and 17-year old. Seventeen! How did that happen? Shannon is right, enjoy all those precious little moments each day.

  8. I love that you do this feature!

  9. I WUB Shannon... and she's my home girl for in REAL life even.

  10. Shannon's was one of the first blogs I started following...she had me at "Welcome". I love anyone who love being a Mom, but is not afraid to talk about the ups and downs of it....I LOVE her humor!
    She's awesome....and REALLY needs that necklace!
    ♥ Lilly

  11. Congrats deserve a feature. I've always been a huge fan of your blog and it's fun to get to know you a little bit better!

    And holy cow...bad idea coming over here....I can hear the jewelry calling my name!!!!!!!

  12. I'm going to run over and check out her blog now. Thanks

  13. Oh, I am going to have to start reading her blog. You know I love every Monday- new bloggers to read.

  14. Fantastic interview! I now have another fun bloggy to follow! Thanks Kristin! I love new bloggy friends!

  15. From Shannon's Mom......Thanks to all who read her blog and see what a beautiful person she is. I think she is a great mom and has outshone me in many ways. And to Kristen, I own several necklaces that she has made, I absolutely love them and tell all my friends where they can get them.

  16. Loved this post on sweet Shannon! I also enjoy your Wednesday post idea!

  17. I know Shannon was excited cause she twittered the same tweet twice, about being featured here!! lol

  18. Yeah, Shannon!! Look at you becoming P.O.P.U.L.A.R.!! Seriously, I love Shannon's blog and she's always so nice with the comment lovin!!

  19. Hey Shannon you rock! Congrats on being featured.

  20. Shannon - I too will never leave w/o lip stuff of any kind... gloss, liner, stick. :)

  21. Shannon, this was great!! I loved all your answers. :)

    I also enjoy being a follower. :)

  22. Awesome Shannon!

    Daniel Craig AND Christian Bale - girl, get out of my head!

  23. Being a fellow Lost, Grey's Anatomy and Twilight addict, I truly love Shannon and her blog.

    Someday we are going to party together in the mountains of Tennessee, for certain. With other various southern bloggers, who will make fun of the Yankee from Ohio...

  24. I loooooooooove me some Shannon. I do, I do, I do...
    (that last part was sung to the tune of Abba's song, "I Do I Do I Do I Do I Do")


Thanks for leaving some comment love!