Monday, February 23, 2009

Featured Reader: Let me introduce you to.....

La Dolce Vita

Hello friends and Happy Monday to you! I hope everyone had a great weekend! No surprise that we had more snow this weekend. We had a fairly lazy weekend which included a visit to our local museum!

I am very excited to introduce you to the beautiful Jennifer of Baby Makin(g) Machine.
Jennifer wears many different hats from news anchor, small business owner and much much more. I don't want to spoil her feature so please grab a cup of joe and get to know my friend Jennifer.


Jennifer of Baby Makin(g) Machine.


Me, my husband (Brian) and I have been married for four years. We adopted our 13-month old puppy last February. His name is Snoop and he's an adorable Sharpei-mix.

How did you start blogging?

I Have always been a fan of journaling. I write a few blogs on Myspace and a couple of years later (Last year I think) I started a family blog. I started feeling a little bored with that and just last November I started this blog with a specific purpose: Get as much advice as I can before I take the leap to motherhood.

If you are a parent do you have a parenting philosophy? If not a parent what is your blogging philosophy?

My parenting philosophy with Snoop is: Be a pack leader. But I don't think that's what you mean. I don't really have a blogging philosophy. I just go with the flow, have fun and hope for comments so I can be enlightened. I try to be completely honest, no matter how dumb it may make me look. I speak my mind and I think people can respect that.

You will never find me without......

My iPhone, and it's pathetic. It was my Christmas present and I'm pretty sure you won't find me more than a room away from that thing.

Day job:

I'm a TV news anchor/ education reporter. I also do voice over work, and make dog collars:

Favorite Stuff:

Music: Hip Hop, R&B, I'm in love with TI right now, and Jamie Foxx. I also like Beyonce, Rhianna, Lil Wayne, and other pop stuff.

Food: French fries are my favorite food. I also LOVE chocolate covered strawberries. Sub sandwiches and grapes are also my faves.

Tv/ Movies: The Lion King, Pearl Harbor, Sailor Moon, and pretty much all other Disney movies. I already have a DVD collection of ALL of the cartoon classics for my kids!

Reading: I loved the Twilight saga, Children of the Promise series, The Other Bolyn Girl, The Kite Runner, and many more.

If you had to wear a T-shirt with your favorite saying on it what would it be?

"Those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."

Favorite stores to shop at:

Express, Ross, TJMaxx

Other good stuff from Jennifer:

I love people and I love writing. Blogging is really a fun new adventure for me. I'm glad I've been able to meet so many women all over the world, and connect and relate on similar issues.

Please leave Jennifer some comment love and be sure to visit her site. If you would like to be a featured reader please send me an email at Please do so soon since the wait is 4-6 weeks!


  1. Aw, i love Ross. Those collars look cute!

    And honey - we're in the exact same place - the "advice gathering stage" is important!

  2. Awesome feature :) I love her blog so much fun :)

  3. I love Jennifer's blogs! Just leaving a comment here too, just in case the one on her actual blog wasn't enough...

  4. Oooh yay!! Thanks so much for this feature! I'm so happy! And I love your blog and jewelry! I hope you'll get a lot of my readers visiting :o)

    I'm not sure if you wanted me to post each thing I did separately or if I could do it all on the same comment so here it goes:

    1. I Posted the featured reader button on my side bar.

    2. I Twittered about my featured reader post.

    3. I DOWNLOADED Stumble and "Stumbled" my featured reader post (hope I did it right)

    4. I posted about my feature on: Facebook, AND Myspace (I knew I saved that account for a reason).

    5. I added not one but TWO pictures of items I'd like to win (because I can't decide).

    Friends, please comment here so I can win the pretty necklace! And let me know which one I should get if I win!

  5. PS: I also just posted it on the networking site:

  6. oo, do i get to be first?!
    I found jennifer a couple of months ago and I'm so hooked! I went back and read earlier posts (I think i may have gone all the way to the beginning of the blog!) and I leave comments on almost everything (which it was never my goal to be her top commenter, but since i am now i have to defend my title!!) Anyway, I love BMM and I always get excited when i see a new post pop up in my reader!

  7. Please add my vote. Jennifer is awesome and will a wonderful mommy someday.

  8. Today is a very big day in the Where’s Wenda? Contest. I am visiting all of the SITS followers. Can I do it? There are around 1000 followers. Oh my! Better grab my cup of coffee and get on my way. Be sure to visit Hot Chocolate Caramel Mocha and Three Bay B Chicks as part of your contest entry.


  9. She sounds like such a lovely person! I'll have to check her blog out now. Great feature!

  10. Go Jennifer! She's a fantastic writer, and I'm REALLY enjoying her journey to motherhood... thanks for telling us more about her!

  11. That is such an awesome idea to have started a blog BEFORE having kids to get advice! Very proactive of you. :) I was going to write, "Gee, I wish I would have thought of that," but then I remembered I didn't even know blogs existed when I had my kids 17 and 14 years ago!

  12. I love Baby Makin Machine! So honest and such great posts...

  13. Great feature! Thanks for the well wishes on the delivery :) Have an awesome week!

  14. I love reading Jennifer's blog! She always has great posts and I love reading everyone's comments!

  15. I love her blog. I've been following her for a while. I get a kick out of her thoughts and her fears on becoming pregnant and what her future will hold once she becomes a mom. I'm sure we all thought like that at some point or another.

  16. Jennifer is an inspiring woman and I'm sure she's going to make an awesome mother! Definitely enjoy all of her sweet spirit and personality she shares on her blog.

  17. great feature. I like reading Jennifer's blog

  18. Great feature! I am off to check out her blog right now!

  19. Great interview! I love Jennifer's blog.

  20. Jennifer is one classy chic and can write oh so well about all of life's fun adventures.

  21. I found Jenny's blog through some other blog - the white house but the first time i read it i thought man she must be crazy!!! :) but She aint. i love her blog and i have learnt alot thanks to her. wish her all the best in her endeavors.

  22. I love Jenn's Blog! Heck I love Jenn, she is hilarious! We pretty much are the only ones without kids out of each of our friends, and our husbands don't seem to either care or are too scared to say yes, let's have babies.

  23. Jennifer I just found you today. I just started a blog that is very much like yours and today I decided to see how many others out there were just like me. You're adorable and I plan to visit your blog often just so I can feel a little more connected to someone who's dealing with similar life experiences.

  24. Great feature! I've been to her blog, but not for a while...thanks for the reminder because I did enjoy my visit there, and need to go back! :)

  25. I found BMM on Twitter and she lead me here - love her blog post and love yours, too! Thanks for showing me the way, peeps!


Thanks for leaving some comment love!