Monday, February 9, 2009

Featured Reader: Let me introduce you to....

La Dolce Vita

Hello Friends and Happy Monday! We spent the weekend at the lake at the annual Winter "slush" fest. It just figures of all weekends it was very warm in Michigan. On Saturday we hit 50's! I will share some pics later this week. I hope you all had a restful weekend!

I am very excited to introduce you to Jean Stockadle. Jean and I met at one of my favorite social networks. Jean is a fabulous woman who for many years has been helping other Mom's just like all of us. I encourage you head on over to her site and take a peek at her beautiful family and her beautiful work, but first read her interview!


Jean Stockdale of Jean Stockdale


I am married to Craig Stockdale. We have been married for 34 years and have 2 grown sons, Jason and Dawson. Jason is married to Patti and they have 18 month old Declan. Dawson is married to Kathryn and have 6 month old Grayson. The boys and their families are building their own households of faith and often show up on my blog! "I have no greater joy than this, to hear of my children walking in truth" (III John 4).

How did you start blogging?

I write and teach Bible studies for moms. I started in 2006 to encourage moms in the fine art of Christian mothering.

What is your parenting philosophy?

I became a Christian in 1978, just months prior to our first child's birth. As a young Christian, I knew that "training up this child in the way he should go" was incredibly important to Craig and me, but I felt ill-equipped and overwhelmed. My desire to honor the Lord and raise my son to know Him, drove me to become a student of the Word of God. My parenting style was Bible-based, using the precepts and principles of the Word of God to build strong convictions for mothering.

The book of Proverbs became particularly important to me as I earnestly pursued a life of personal holiness and practical righteousness. As my love for the Lord grew, so did my family. Dawson arrived 2 years later and joined our lively family. I certainly have not always done it right. Frustration and fatigue have been my enemies and I have done my share of poor parenting. But I beleive my boys knew I was pursuing the Lord and striving to be an ambassador of Christ in our home. Their understanding of my intent caused them to extend a lot of grace for my failures!

You will never find me without......

a cat on my lap. My faithful friend, Joseph, is a chocolate Siamese. He was a gift to me from the moms Bible study I teach when my oldest child went off to college. These moms knew I would be lonesome and needed "someone to mother." Joseph, unlike most cats, is very attentive to my needs and is seldom far from my side.

Day job:

My love for family and faith caused me to begin to teach a weekly Bible study for moms nearly 20 years ago. Although I did not set out to make this my life's work, the Lord has given me a passion for teaching the Word of God and encouraging women, especially mommas. When our boys were young, Craig and I lived in a secluded area-far removed from family or friends. I suffered from loneliness and longed for fellowship with other moms. I felt alienated and alone in my role as a SAHM. It is the memory of these early days, needing Biblical instruction and tons of encouragement, that has constrained me to invest in the lives of mommas. Raising children is a tiring thankless job most of the time, and I am determined to rise up and call moms blessed!

I currently teach a weekly Bible study for nearly 300 moms of toddlers to teens.Now, having raised and released 2 great men into the adult world, I also share about how to fully release adult children. My love for teaching and encouraging moms, has led me on an unexpected path. About 17 years ago, local churches began to invite me to speak at their women's events. This led to a speaking ministry. I am privileged to travel and speak at Women's Conferences, retreats, and events on the weekends. Should you be interested in inviting me to speak at your church, please contact Ambassador at

In 2006, after writing my own Bible studies for my group of mom at my local chruch, I sensed the Lord leading me to begin to publish my studies and produce accom panying videos. My studies are written to instruct moms in the Word of God and encouage them with the Spirit of God. My writing style is laced with practical illustrations, large doses of encouragment, and the liberal use of my sanctified imagination. These studies are self-guided and interactive. They can be done by an individual or, with the additon of the 10-set DVDs (or CDs), in a small group home setting, or as an addtion to your church's ciricullum. I currently have 6 completed video-driven studies being used in 24 different churches.

I launched a non-profit ministry called Standing Near the Cross, Inc. in 2008. For more information on my ministry to moms, go to by clicking on You will find a description of each study and will be able to view the first lesson and video clips of each study.

Favorite Stuff:

Music: Contemporary Christian

Food: Mexican

Tv/ Movies:

Reading: Much of my time is spent reading Bible commentaries for study, but I do enjoy reading for pleasure. I typically read Christian help books for growing strong in daily living or Christian historical fiction.

If you had to wear a T-shirt with your favorite saying on it what would it be?


Favorite stores to shop at:

Stein-Mart, Chico, Coldwater Creek, and Dillards

Other good stuff from Jean:

Craig and I live on 10 acres outside Memphis, TN. with 4 dogs and 1 cat. Craig and our boys work in a family landscaping business, Pine Grove Farm and Landscape. We attend Bellevue Baptist Church, our home church for nearly 30 years.

The Lord has expanded our ministry internationally. Craig and I have been able to make 6 mission trips to teach church leaders ho w to share the gospel, disciple new beleivers, and plant churches. Our travels have taken us to Uruguay, Nigeria, Nepal, Angola, and several trips to India to share the good news of Jesus Christ.

If you would like to be one of my featured readers please send me an email at Now head on over to Jean's site but first leave her some comment love!


  1. Awesome feature as every week :)

  2. I have some awards for you :)

  3. Thank you so much for publishing my story and linking to mu blog. I posted a blog about it and linked to it.

    May the Lord bless you for your kindness. jean

  4. Great feature blogger! It would be so nice to live on 10 acres!



  5. Great feature. I have been looking for a woman's bible study in my community. I'm hopping over to Jean's page now. Thanks!

  6. Jean is a wonderful lady that walks what she writes! I thought your tee shirt would read "Really?"

  7. Jean...LOVED reading your blog interview. Our Mom to Mom study at Central Church in Collierville is LOVING this study...our 2nd!! If anyone reading this has NOT done a Jean Stockdale study, you do NOT know what you are missing. I have sat in a lot of parenting studies (I am now a grandmother) and hers is THE BEST ever!!! Find one and be blessed!!

  8. Jean Stockdale is an outstanding speaker & Bible teacher. I have used her practical wisdom in my life for the last 17 years. I am so glad God put Jean Stockdale in my life! I love Jean's website and all her materials!! They are great!

  9. Thanks for featuring Jean! It has been such a blessing studying under her leadership.

  10. I have sat under the teachings of Jean Stockdale for 5 years now at Bellevue Baptist Church...hearing the WORD come from her lips has changed my life! Her teachings are practical, life applicable, eye opening, and quite funny as well. Jean has a heart for Momma's...that is evident in her teaching. She is fully aware that mothering is not an easy job but the Lord has gifted her with lips of exhortation, from one mom to another mom. I know that I have so much to learn in my mothering days, but Jean has helped me to be a better mom...thank you Jean!!!

  11. As one who has been most fortunate to have sat under Jean's teaching and to serve in the MOMS ministry with her from 1997-2006, I can say that she is most passionate about teaching the Word to moms, and making Scripture relevant to moms by sharing her life experiences. She can tell a story like no other!! :) Her investment in the MOMS ministry at Bellevue has profoundly changed the lives of many mommas, including myself. I would encourage you to check out her website, and prepare to laugh, cry, and dig deeper with Jean! Her deep love for our Lord is infectious!! :)

  12. your blog!! You picked a great one to feature!! I am on my third semester of MOMS at Bellevue and I look so forward to going. Jean is so wise and you need that wisdom, especially being a mom. Her wisdom comes from studying the Word, she is the real deal!! If there is anyone thinking about starting a MOMS group where you live, look no further, Jean's bible studies are incredible!!! As Jean says being a mom is a holy occupation there is no greater job...than to see our children know Christ!! thanks for sharing Jean!! oh and i do love you jewelry i will get with you to see if you sell to shops!! take care!!

  13. your blog!! You picked a great one to feature!! I am on my third semester of MOMS at Bellevue and I look so forward to going. Jean is so wise and you need that wisdom, especially being a mom. Her wisdom comes from studying the Word, she is the real deal!! If there is anyone thinking about starting a MOMS group where you live, look no further, Jean's bible studies are incredible!!! As Jean says being a mom is a holy occupation there is no greater job...than to see our children know Christ!! thanks for sharing Jean!! oh and i do love you jewelry i will get with you to see if you sell to shops!! take care!!

  14. This is my second year of being in Jean's bible study- and she has without a doubt changed my life as a mom- Thank the good Lord for Jean!!

  15. Jean has been such a blessing to me...well my entire family! Her passion for God's word and desire to be more like Him are contageous. I am always eager to hear what the Lord has lain on her heart to is always exactly what I need, when I need it! Laughter! Tears! Encouragement! I know she has helped me be a better momma!

  16. Ah! You picked a great one! Jean has been a favorite author.speaker/mentor of mine! I am always encouraged and refreshed after reading or listening to her. I wish every momma the chance to be involved in one of her Bible Studies!

  17. Jean is an AWESOME teacher! I am now doing my 6th study with her, and have learned something new everyday I have been doing her studies! She is an amazing role model for all mommies out there, she is real, she is FUNNY, and she teaches from God's wonderful is that!! Everyone needs to start one of her studies TODAY, you will not regret it!:)

  18. Jean is an awesome teacher!!! I am now in my 6th study with her and have learned something new everyday as I have been doing the studies. Jean is a wonderful role model as a mommy and Christian, she is FUNNY, smart, and she teaches from God's wonderful is that??? If you haven't done one of her studies, get one will not regret it!!

  19. Loved reading this one! Jean is a wonderful mentor for so many young mamas! I feel so very privileged to attend her weekly bible study.

  20. I'm a mom in Jean's ministry and I am so grateful to our Lord for annointing Jean with His wisdom to instruct us moms. For such a time is this that we need such a warrior in the faith as we raise up our children in such strange times. I know I need all the help I can get! Thank you Jean for your dedication to serve our Lord Jesus so faithfully.

  21. I just LOVE Jean!! I went through her Proverbs & Principles bible study last summer at my church and I am starting my 1st semester of MOMS--I just can't get enough! Thank you for sharing Jean with others!! :)

  22. Im so glad you featured Jean. She's a great writer, speaker, and mother in law!

  23. Thanks for choosing Jean to interview. Jean is my neighbor and invited me to MOMS in 2000 after the birth of my first son. I thought my son had changed my life but what I didn't know was that through Jean's ministry God was wooing me into a richer daily spiritual walk with Him. Jean has taught me how to study and pick apart the Word and relish it nugget by nugget in a way I never knew possible. I am thankful Jean has a deep passion in teaching moms the truths of Jesus Christ our Lord!

  24. I am so happy that you decided to post Jean's story on your blog. She is a true blessing in my life and can speak for many others as well. Not to mention she is a wonderful mother in law! Thanks again for posting her. Many lives have been blessed by her dedication, passion, and true love for our sweet Lord and savior!

  25. Thanks for featuring Jean! I've never met a woman more fully in love with our Lord. She is a true testament for us struggling mama's!!!

  26. Kristen...i am bookmarking your site--i will be placing an order! Thanks for featuring Jean. Like so many others, I have been blessed by Jean's teaching since 1996--my oldest was beginning her senior year in high school and my youngest was about to turn 2. I can't even begin to describe how her "mentoring" changed my mothering...unbelievable! she has an amazing ability to apply EVERY scripture to being a wife, momma and friend and she does it with such grace and humor and conviction! i'm always cracking up at how she is able to make application to the most far-fetched stories!!! her passion is so contagious!

  27. Kristen...i am bookmarking your site--i will be placing an order! Thanks for featuring Jean. Like so many others, I have been blessed by Jean's teaching since 1996--my oldest was beginning her senior year in high school and my youngest was about to turn 2. I can't even begin to describe how her "mentoring" changed my mothering...unbelievable! she has an amazing ability to apply EVERY scripture to being a wife, momma and friend and she does it with such grace and humor and conviction! i'm always cracking up at how she is able to make application to the most far-fetched stories!!! her passion is so contagious!

  28. I hope lot's of moms will start one of Jean's awesome Bible Studies as a result of seeing this piece on your blog! She has lots of wisdom and encouragement from God's word to share!

  29. thank you for featuring Jean! I have sat under her teachings at Bellevue for about 3 years now and we absolutely adore her! I hope there are more moms out there who will learn how important it is for us to raise up the next generation for the Lord!

  30. Jean is such a gifted speaker and writer. I wish everyone had the opportunity to study under her. She brings the word to life and makes it so fun and practical. You will will cry.....but most of all you will walk away with nuggets of truth from the Lord that will guide and direct you through life. You will not believe how much each study applies directly to your life. If you ever get the opportunity to do one of her studies....DON'T MISS THE CHANCE!!! Through Jeans study I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior and since then have learned SO much from her. Thank you for featuring this cheerleader for the Lord. Keep your eye on her.....She is BIGTIME!!

  31. Thanks for featuring one of my heroes in the faith, Jean Stockdale. I've been studying under her for the last 4 years and I can say without a doubt that I am a better mother, wife and friend because of Jean's teachings, but most importantly I love the Lord more deeply because she has taught me to love His Word and have a passion for studying it. Thank you, Jean! Love you!

    Kristen - Thank you for featuring my wife Jean on your profile. I can speak from the unique perspective of the one who has been married to her for 35 years now and assure you and all others that she is the real deal. Unrivaled passion, profound love, and a contagious enthusiasm for Christ are just a few of the ways I could describe her life and her ministry. I am probably one of the few men who has read every one of her books and I have been blessed by each of them!
    Thanks again for featuring her that other mommas might be influenced by her Godly wisdom. May our Lord richly bless you and the work of your hands. Serve the Lord with gladness!

  33. Thanks Kristen for featuring Jean! Jean has been such a huge blessing in my life for nearly 30 years. We raised our children together and she is the real deal. God truly has His hand on her.

  34. Kristen-I love your jewelry,I hope to purchase something soon.
    I love that you featured Jean S on your blog (which is great! ) God has richly blessed me through her studies. I have been blessed to study under her for over 7 years now and I can honestly say it has changed my life! She has encouraged me to become a student of the Word, it has deepened my relationship with God and Jesus Christ. It has caused me to become a better wife, mom, friend and person! I highly recommend anyone who wants to be a better mom and wife try one of her studies-you will be blessed!

  35. I have been a part of Jean's ministry off and on for several years now. She has a God given gift of teaching God's word to us mommas! I can't tell you how much her ministry has meant to me and countless other moms in our area. Thank you for featuring her!

  36. Thank You so much for featuring Jean on your blog. I have sat under Jean for several years and she has been a true blessin to me and my family! Her bible studies are AMAZING!! They are full of Gods word, pratical ways to apply Gods word, and of course hilarious person stories. I was for sure that her tshirt would have said "Really?!" as well.

  37. Thank you for featuring Jean on your blog! She is such an encouragement to me in my walk with the Lord. Your jewelry is beautiful...I hope to order something soon!! Thanks!

  38. Thank you Jean for always giving such practical advice and more than that, advice that has been filtered through the Word of God. Your sense of humor and life stories always keep me laughing...and crying. I'm a better Momma because of you!

  39. Kristen,

    How exciting to see you featuring one of my "heroes in the faith." I've been studying under Jean for four years now, and she is a woman of character. She challenges us week after week to seek God through time in His Word and time in prayer. She has stretched me and challenged me in my role as mom (mom to four kids ages 5, 3, 2, and 9 months). Her studies mix a dose of fun mommy humor with the true Word of God to keep us grounded and always yearning to hear from God. I encourage you and other mommy bloggers like myself to follow her blog and to pick up one of her studies. It is an awesome study for any group of moms who want to get together and grow together in the Lord. You won't be disappointed!

  40. Thank you for stopping by. I can always use the advice for mother hood. My mother was the best for christian mother advice but unfortuately I lost her 1.5 years ago. I have been kind of in a fog since then trying to remeber every thing that she did when we were young. It will be nice getting to you know.


Thanks for leaving some comment love!