Thursday, January 1, 2009

Thousand Words Thursday: Christmas Fun

Will never wants to take pictures anymore, but we did manage to get this one, I think I had to say his favorite word these days "underpants" to make him smile! We have Dora to thank for underpants being his favorite word.

Presents: Go ahead stick your finger in his mouth Will!

This is my brother doing dishes, it is the first time I have ever witnessed him doing dishes so I thought it was a Kodak moment and thought he was worthy of wearing Will's Superman cape.

Opening presents and eating good food is tiring!

Wishing everyone a very prosperous 2009! Happy New Year!!! To view more Thoursand Words Thursday please visit Cheaper Than Therapy Jen!


  1. That is a very sweet picture of you two. And why is Dora saying underpants?! I would have believed Spongebob, but not Dora!

  2. Great photos!!! Love the one of you and Will!!!

  3. Underpants... works every time.

    great post, great Blog, so glad I found you!

    Happy New Year!!

  4. My boy got that same jungle toy and he LOVES it!

  5. Oh, those pictures are precious! Thanks for sharing! ;)

  6. Great picture of you and will!! I haven't heard Dora say that yet, but don't ever let him watch Sponge Bob! AHH!

    Happy New Year!

  7. What a sweet kids love the 'underpants' episode too!!

  8. what a smile he has in the first one! he sure loves his mommy! Great pictures of the season! Happy ATWT!!

  9. Oh can I borrow Superman to do my dishes too?! I can use his cleaning powers! lol! So cute pictures. You remind me of Marilyn Monroe {and that's a compliment}. Anyway, thot I'd hop on over here from MBC. Happy New Year!


  10. Oh, I love the last one! So precious!
    Happy New Year, Kristen!

  11. I love the first one. That is a cute guy you have there! Happy New Year!

  12. He is adorable! Happy New Year!

  13. Seriously, try saying penguin poop! That's what I had to say this Christmas to get my boys to smile!

  14. Dora says underpants? Hmmm. Well that smile is so cute I guess I would say any word that worked to see it too!

  15. Looks like lots of fun :) Hope your New Years Eve was fun too, and wishing you all the best in 2009!!!

  16. Those are great pictures and LOL at underpants!

  17. Such nice photos, I love the one of you and Will. Happy New Year. And yes, I use underpants and poop to get my subjects to smile everytime. I took the Frog Princess's Kindergarten class photo and yelled everybody say "Reindeer Poop!" and realized afterwards that some of the other parents might not appreciate it but I got all of the kids smiling! :)

  18. Oh those are great pictures! "Underpants" makes me smile, too! :-D

  19. Great pictures!!! Happy New Year!


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