Friday, January 2, 2009

Fashion Friday: Looking beautiful in the kitchen

Beautiful and Fabulous in the Kitchen by klacustomcreations

Being fashionable in the kitchen has never been easier with the vast selection of beautiful aprons, dish gloves and even pretty oven mitts. I don't know what it is about an apron but it just makes me feel more domestic! You of course need a full apron for cooking your delicious meals, the half apron is perfect for when guests arrive, beautiful dish gloves like these will keep your nails from damage and the pretty polka dots oven mitts are beautiful and will make taking those delicious meals out of the oven a breeze.

Please visit Beautiful! Fabulous! to read more about looking beautiful in the kitchen!

Do you have a favorite apron or an item that makes you feel like a domestic diva?


  1. Hi, I just found your blog. I love your necklaces. I have never worn an apron. Maybe if I did I could whip up something fancy LOL.

  2. I wish I could look beautiful in the kitchen. I am such a sweats/jeans and tee-shirt girl.

  3. I used to have a really cool deer apron (I collect all kinds of deer items), but unfortunately left it at someone's house who we don't speak to anymore...I have hunted high and lo for another one, but have come up empty... so alas, I'm apron-less in the kitchen! LOL!! ;)

  4. I love those fancy aprons so so cute :)

    Funny thing, I cook all the time, it seems like I'm in the kitchen the most, yet I don't own even one apron LOL

  5. I love these aprons.

    Unfortunately I have a really ugly red one, that could be worn by my hubby as well. It's full of stains and all kinds of stuff I found while cleaning up. I never seem to manage to empty the front pocket.


  6. I have a very cute pink linen apron that I wear all the time! Sometimes, my family asks if I'm gonna wear that apron all day...and I do because it makes me feel girly when I'm doing boring old chores.

  7. I have never worn an apron. I probably would if I could find a cute one.

  8. While reading different blogs, I've seen a lot of women who are into aprons. I don't have one, but I've seen some cute ones!

  9. you can find fab aprons at, so many to chose from!


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