Saturday, January 10, 2009

Product Junkie Approved: So soft!

Don't get me wrong I love moisturizers that smell wonderful but I also like a moisturizer that is fragrance free and won't interfere with my perfume. The Aveeno Active Naturals Daily Moisturizing is just that, fragrance free and really does moisturize dry skin. The Aveeno Active Naturals is also available at just about every drugstore and is inexpensive. This is a great moisturizer to keep on hand for everyday use.

Do you have a favorite moisturizer?


  1. That is a great recommendation. I love that it is fragrance free.

    Have a great weekend!


  2. I use this exact product everyday even several times a day! I LOVE the way it soaks right into my skin and doesn't leave you feeling greesy. I can't go a day without it. I have a large bottle (like shown in your post)in my bathroom and closet. Then I have purchased a smaller tube to keep in my traveling case and a small tube to keep in my purse. I guess you could say I'm a bit addicted to it ;)

  3. I have been looking for some new lotion. I will have to try this one.

  4. Good choice!
    I like Aveeno's facial moisturizer. Not too greasy.

  5. Definitely will try! Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. I've been using Aveeno's Stress Relief Moisturizing Lotion on my hands... it has lavender and chamomile... it smells sooooo good!

  7. I will have to try this one. I can't stand "heavy" products. Thanks for the suggestion!!

  8. I am using a Eucerin one right now that I like!

  9. Someone had given me Aveeno's Stress Relief lotion a couple years ago as a gift (ha ha! I guess they thought I could use something for stress!), and I loved it. I could tell a difference as soon as I started using it (a difference in dryness, not stress!).


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