Friday, January 9, 2009

Fashion Friday: Ditch those grungy sweats...

Ditch those baggy sweats by klacustomcreations

So are you still wearing grungy, crunchy sweats to work out? I am a firm believer that if you look good you feel good. Maybe if you look fabulous while working out, exercising is one resolution that will be kept this year!

Is your work out gear fashionable or should it be thrown to the curb? If you would like to read my article on fashionable work out gear please visit Beautiful! Fabulous!


  1. Cool stuff, I hate those old big sweats LOL that I'm sure are still somewhere in my house LOL

  2. I guarantee that when I look like the one in the pink tank top....I will wear those kinds of clothes...I PROMISE!!!

  3. Great stuff. I found that once I invested in some nice looking workout clothes, I was more likely to exercise. Funny, huh?


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