Monday, January 26, 2009

Featured Reader: Let me introduce you to.....

La Dolce Vita

Happy Monday friends! Where did last week go? Monday's are always fun at La Dolce Vita, since I have the pleasure of introducing a very special reader of the week. I am very excited to introduce you to Stacy of Stacy's Random Thoughts. I can't even remember where I met Stacy but we truly became fast friends. Do you know when you read a blog and say wow I can really relate to this person, this is how I feel about Stacy's blog. Stacy speaks from the heart on many different random things as her blog is titled. I love that it is random that way you never know what to expect. Stacy is surely a daily read and you have to read this post about her miracle baby. I was truly touched! Go grab a cup of joe and get to know Stacy, you can thank me later for introducing you to Stacy!


Stacy Johnson o f Stacy's Random Thoughts


My hubby Landon and I have been together for 12 years, married for 6. We welcomed a beautiful Miracle Baby, Savannah, who just turned 6 and is a true blessing. We also have a Wheaten Terrier named Elvis, a new puppy – a Blue Merle Sheltie named Travis, a Persian named Norman and a Dove named Virtualization (wait, I think Princess Nagger changed the name again…but we’ll go with the one that I remember last…) ;)

How did you start blogging?

Stacy's Random Thoughts

I actually started my Blog outside of Blogger in January 2008, when I jumped on the bandwagon to try to save one of my favorite shows ‘Journeyman’. I was clueless as to what ‘blogging’ was all about, otherwise I would have been a bit more aggressive in my posts (instead of once a month or so). Although I don’t think it would have mattered, as NBC already had their minds made up about canceling that show before they finished airing all 13 episodes. Over the summer I started getting interesrws in reading all the blogs in the blogosphere, and thought it was a great idea to keep in touch with all my friends and family who live so far away – it would alleviate sending long and multiple email messages to so many, this way I can get them all updated in one post! ;) I also wanted to make sure I documented ‘special moments’ of my Little Princess – so she can see them in later years and either be impressed at how cool she was, or embarrassed by being a dork. Some good blackmail material for when she starts dating! ;)

What is your parenting philosophy?

We are big on teaching Savannah respect and manners – she knows she won’t get anything if she doesn’t say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’. ;) She has her moments, as all kids do, but we feel very blessed that she has been ‘good’ since infancy. If she’s not doing what she’s supposed to be doing, we count to ‘5’ – usually she’s then doing what she’s supposed to be doing by the time we get to 4… If she is especially stubborn, she gets a time out. Luckily she’s rarely gotten to the ‘time out’ stage! ;) If she does something wrong, it’s always followed with an apology and hugs and kisses. So far she seems to be a well adjusted child – hopefully that will last through her teenage years down the road! ;)

You will never find me without......

My laptop! ;) Of course when I go out, it’s usually my purse (which seems to get bigger each year as the Princess Nagger grows…) with the necessities – cell phone, wallet, lip gloss, snacks for the Princess Nagger, the occasional odd toy she slips in there for safe keeping…etc. ;)

Day job:

My first and ‘main’ job is Domestic Goddess! I used to be a Marketing Manager in the Corporate World but when our Miracle Girl made her arrival, I ditched stuffy suits for jeans and comfy clothes… ;) I feel that it is an honor and privilege to be able to stay home with her and never miss all those ‘firsts’. Second to that, I do Web Design at I have a small client base at the moment that I’ve created websites for and do their monthly maintenance. I also have a crafty side over at and get inundated with orders for custom gift baskets and homemade Kahlua around the holidays, chocolate covered cherries for Valentine’s Day. I also make custom dolls and restore composition dolls over at – though that particular site has been put on the back shelf since the Princess Nagger was born, and will remain so until I can get my craft room set up to accommodate all the things I need to create without having to dig through multiple boxes stacked in the attic. ;) Between parenting, blogging and my SassyDesigns and Savannah*Haven sites, I stay very busy!

Favorite Stuff:

Music: I love all kinds of music – it all depends on my mood, but my first love is New Country.

Food: My favorite is Seafood – having grown up in the Seattle area, it was easy to come by and always fresh. Now that I’m in PA, I don’t get my seafood fix as often as I’d like! My second favorite is Italian - anything pasta! For special occasions, I do love steak and lobster… ;)

Tv/ Movies: This list would be to incredibly long…heh, heh! I have a lot of favorite TV shows, thank goodness for my DVR! Some of my top favorites are The Mentalist, Bones, House, Desperate Housewives, Brothers and Sisters, Ghost Whisperer, Numb3rs, Grey’s Anatomy, Private Practice, Criminal Minds… I rarely watch reality, but I’m hooked on The Bachelor, American Idol, Kitchen Nightmares and Hell’s Kitchen.

Reading: I’m a sucker for a good Historical Romance novel… I like all kinds of books, too if they capture my attention in the first chapter, they’re a ‘must read’ for me. Apparently The Twilight Series is going to be going on my list soon… ;)

If you had to wear a T-shirt with your favorite saying on it what would it be?

Sassy Mama, of course! ;)

Favorite stores to shop at:

We don’t have a lot of great ones where I live – so I do a lot of shopping online…but I do love me some Target, Nordstrom’s, TJ Maxx, Kohl’s and Macy’s…

Other good stuff from Stacy:

My Motto:

Dance like no one's watching...

Love like you'll never be hurt...

Sing like no one's listening...

And live like heaven on earth.

Would you like to be a featured reader? Please email me at to see how you can participate, and don't forget you have a chance to win one of my custom handstamped necklaces out of my shop!

Now leave some comment love for Stacy, we all love comment love!!!!


  1. Stacy, I love, love, love your motto. It shows that you want to be a part of life, no holding back. What a special interview! You have zeal for life.

    krissy knox :)
    follow me on twitter:

  2. Awesome interview I love Stacy's site :) and her posts are so awesome :) the one from yesterday was heartbreaking!

  3. Thanks so much for featuring me, Kristen, I am truly honored! :)

  4. hey stacey - am i FIRST???!!! could i be first??? maybe??? anyways... here's TONS of comment love and you surely deserve it!!! hope you win your necklace!!!! you deserve that too!!! :))))

  5. I love Stacy--already read her blog. She's a fun person, and it's great to get to know a little more about her!

  6. Stacy has a great blog. Very interesting and intriguing reads! It was fun to read her answers to some of these questions!

  7. Wonderful blog! Thanks for sharing it with us! I am now a loyal follower:)

  8. i LOVE seafood... i grew up in upstate NY, but my uncle owned a boat on the jersey shore, and he always took us down there to fish and eat tons of seafood. I live in Louisiana now... it's like seafood heaven. =)

  9. great blog entry love it thanks for visiting my blog i am now following you and cant wait to read more of your stuff

  10. She has a great blog! Hey, I would love to be featured on your blog! Ill send you an email begging- I mean asking if you would please, please, please interview me. lol

  11. I absolutely adore Stacy, she rocks. I am so glad she is featured today. She never ceases to make me smile when I read her posts.

  12. Stacy's the greatest and deserves to win your necklace. She spoke so highly of your necklace, I know she will wear it with pride. Thanks for featuring her great blog today.


  13. I didn't know you did designs and whatnot!!! Pretty cool! I'm off to check it out! I like this site too! Woot for Stacey introducing me to a new blog! :) Good job!

  14. Love your was so much fun to see the great stuff. And I love Stacy's blog so it was fun to read about her here!

  15. it's nice to see so many of us out there.

  16. Stacy's a complete doll and I love her to bits but really, Stacy..what's with the name Virtualization for a pet? You do have the veto factor, you know.

  17. I always love reading her blog because she always have something very interesting story to share everytime.

  18. I love Stacy's blog! Another excellent feature, Kristen!

  19. Great story - Great blog, Stacy

  20. Stacy authors one of my favorite blogs--her blog makes you feel like you're fast friends! LOVE IT! If you haven't stopped by, you have to!

  21. Oh, and if you haven't stopped by today--check out her hilarious random Tuesday post! :)

  22. It's nice to get to know a little more about you!

    You are beautiful inside and out!

  23. Hi Stacy! Loved the interview :o) and I am a Hell's Kitchen fan too! Just love the way Gordon goes in those places and raises, are you ready for this, hell. Sorry couldn't resist! Again, fantastic blog.

  24. I just "found" Stacy, but already think that she's a darling! Love how she speaks about her daughter-all little ones deserve "a mom like that!"

  25. Stacy! Great to catch up with you here! And, thank you for all you did to rally the Journeyman troops!


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