Monday, January 12, 2009

Featured Reader: Let me introduce you to.....

La Dolce Vita

Happy Monday friends! If you haven't stopped by in a few days I just had my 1 year Blogoversary, and can hardly believe it! Please be sure to stop back over the next week as I am going to be offering specials of the day on select items in honor of my Anniversary! Monday's are always fun at La Dolce Vita since I have the pleasure of introducing you to one of my Featured Readers. I am pleased to introduce you to Meg of Kiss My Style. Megan and I became bloggy friends through a social network and boy is she a crafty gal, I just love crafty gals! Please grab a cup of coffee and get to know my friend Meg!


Megan Calpin Hughes of Plush Designs PA


Husband Rob, Daughter Hannah (21 months), Kitty Maximilian (from the movie Rebecca 1940)

How did you start blogging?

I started it as a portfolio of my work, then I added personal tidbits about our life and now it serves for work, family, promotion of handmade artists and a catalog of upcoming pieces for Kiss My Style.

If you are a parent do you have a parenting philosophy?

We teach Hannah manners, sign language, kindness, love, affection & compassion. We believe in discipline, but its very laid back. We say “no” do time outs and explain, we always ask for an apology & a kiss to make up. So far, we have lucked out and she has taken to all that we teach including our love of arts, crafts and music – what a little dancer!

You will never find me without...... my knitting needles & a skein of yarn and lip gloss

Day job:

I own Kiss My Style and design pieces for it. It currently is an online boutique that over 30 artisans sell their handmade pieces. 100% handmade – 100% fabulous! I am always looking for new artists to sell & I currently have been expanding my line into wholesale!

Favorite Stuff: Hannah’s laughs, fiber, yarn, music, the outdoors and family time.

Music: techno, spa, classical, classic rock
Food: Italian & Chinese
Tv/ Movies: True Romance, CSI LV, The Office, How I met your mother, The Mentalist
Reading: I love witchy girl humor like Jen Lancaster

If you had to wear a T-shirt with your favorite saying on it what would it be?

Kiss My Style

I love the name of my business b/c it has attitude while being cute at the same time – plus everyone always asks what it means. lol

Favorite stores to shop at:
Etsy, mom & pop shop’s and then Gap & Jcrew – I’m 5’11 and they have long lengths in classic styles that last forever!

Misc stuff from Megan:

I could knit anywhere at any time. I love fabric. Libraries smell good and the outdoors makes me happy. I love my family & my friends and I hope to give Hannah a brother. J

As a reminder if you would like to be a Featured Reader at my site please send me an email at


  1. Lovely choice :) Happy Monday! :)

  2. Great post as usual. I love the featured reader posts. And Happy Blogoversary!

  3. Cool post, like her site a lot :)

  4. thank you for a great article & the extra luv for my shop!


  5. Great feature! It's always nice to 'meet' 'new' people through your features...thanks for that! :) Now I'm off to check out her site! ;)

    OH! And my necklace arrived today...LOVE IT!! Thank you SO much! :)

  6. What a fun interview. Meg is so sassy! :)


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