Monday, January 5, 2009

Featured Reader: Let me introduce you to....

La Dolce Vita

Happy New Year friends! Can you believe it is 2009? I hope everyone is off to a fabulous 2009 and I wish all a very prosperous year! I wonder how long I will write 2008 on my checks?

I am very excited to introduce you to my first Featured Reader of 2009!!!!! Let me introduce you to Suzana of Firefly. Suzana is one of my new bloggy friends and we became fast friends right from the start. Suzana blogs about fantastic food, shopping, design and much much more, you are sure to find something simply fabulous at her site. Please grab a cup of joe or beverage of choice and get to know my friend Suzana.


Suzana or better known as Firefly from


You mean my Toddlers and me? Just joking, Hubby and I have been together for 6 wonderful years, married for the last 4. We have one beautiful daughter, Princess who is 3.5 and a major drama princess she is. Days are never boring with her.

How did you start blogging?

Mom Blogs - Firefly-Shop

I started blogging back in September 2008. Before that (2 years ago) I had a book club blog. It lasted for 3 months. This time I wanted to do a mix of things. About our life and cute little things we do.

Do you have a parenting philosophy?

My parenting philosophy would be relaxed. I don’t obsess about things that are not worth it. Taking one day at a time. Provide a fun childhood for my daughter or at least trying to. As for blogging I believe in writing what you feel the most comfortable with.

You will never find me without......

Coffee! Yes I seem to have a cup of coffee all the time in hand or nearby. Other than that I can’t go out without a purse. In the purse it’s always has my wallet, keys, cell phone, hand lotion, lip gloss, and a Starbucks card.

Day job:

As of March of 2005 I’m a SAHM and I love it. I also just opened up a shop at Etsy, Firefly Shop. I will be selling anything knitted, sewn and painted glass. Of course there are days when I feel like going back into the outside of home working world, but that feeling never lasts for long. It’s like been there done that! I’m happy to be with my little girl.

Favorite Stuff:

Music: I’m sort of into rock and punk. Yes I know what you’re thinking…and no; no piercings other than ears, no hair in colors (although that one time it was strawberry red).

Food: I love to cook and try new things. Food is awesome, and if I had it my way I would live on Sushi, Italian and spicy food!

Tv/ Movies: Don’t laugh but one of my all time favorite movies is The Interview With The Vampire oh yes, and of course any movie with Christian Bale (the Batman). As for TV, I watch reality TV every chance I get.

Reading: I love to read and write short stories and books (not that I published anything YET) I went through my craze of Steven King’s books loved everything that man has ever written. And now every once in a while I’ll pick up his books and read them again. I also like crime novels and chick lit. I could read Confession’s of a Shopaholic million times and always find humor and reality in it.

If you had to wear a T-shirt with your favorite saying on it what would it be?

“I Am Me So Deal With It” it’s so true I always try to be myself and if people like it awesome if not well too bad for them (they are missing out).

Favorite stores to shop at?

Target, Hobby Lobby, Marshals, TJ Max, Organic food stores, and occasional trip to Dollar Store and Big Lots (ppsssttt about this)

Other good stuff from Suzana:

Enjoy life and don’t let anyone or anything to bring you down. Help others in need as you would want others to help you if you needed it. Take care of you and your family first and foremost, snap lots of pictures of your kids because they grow up so fast!
A special thank you to Suzana for allowing us a peek into her world! If you would like to be a Featured Reader please send me an email at


  1. Oh THANK you so much this is so awesome! Thank you for taking time to post about Not So Exciting me LOL :)

  2. How cool! I love her blog, and think it's wonderful that you choose her.

  3. Great interview, Kristen. Fun getting to know more about our Firefly gal!

  4. Great interview - I'm going to check out her blog right now!

  5. Love Firefly - she's one of my very first 'official' bloggy friends! She's a sweetheart, always has a kind word to say...thanks for featuring her so we can get to know her better! ;)

  6. First time reader here, thanks for all your great blogs AND for showing us another great one. Happy New Year


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