Friday, December 12, 2008

Who Me? A Top Blogger You Should Know!

Visit Mom Bloggers Club

One of my favorite social networks to hang out at is Mom Bloggers Club. I have met some of my best bloggy friends at this fab site. I was so excited to discover that I am listed as one of the Top 10 Mom Bloggers Club Members You Should Know and this is out of almost 2500 members!

Mom Bloggers Club is a fabulous site that supports Mom Blogger's across the blogosphere, there are many groups to join and always great forum topics. Jennifer James who runs the site is very friendly and involved on regular basis, which I think is one of the aspects that makes the site so wonderful.

You can check out the other Top Bloggers HERE!


  1. Hey, that's awesome Kristen! Totally deserved! Congrats!

  2. Congratulations Kristen! You deserve it!

  3. Congrats :) I saw it yesterday on their site and forgot to stop by to congrats you :)You so deserve it :)

  4. Congrats!!!! They sure do know what they are talking about!!!


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