Saturday, December 13, 2008

Product Junkie Approved: Simply Smashing

Have you tried Smashbox Lip glosses? I am a sucker for kits and usually only like one item out of a set. I must say, I am never disappointed with a set of Smashbox lip glosses. This set is only $29 and you get 6 lip glosses and I have to say I love every color. You can pick up your own set here .
Do you have a favorite lip product that the Product Junkie should know about?


  1. Hey I have an award for you over at my blog :)

    And I love those lip glosses! Right now I have a Victoria Secret lip gloss Beauty Rush :)

  2. I just bought a Smashbox kit yesterday from Sephora! It is delicious. Great minds think alike!;jsessionid=QVYQBAAJJHRTSCV0KRRQ5UQ?id=P217704&categoryId=C10905

  3. Oooh. I LOVE Smashbox! And I am a total lip gloss girl too... have a ton of them stashed in all of my purses! I am a fan of Mac Lip Glass too.

  4. Are they super sticky? That's the only thing I don't like about some of the Mac lip glosses. But I love these colours!

  5. Are they super sticky? That's the only thing I don't like about some of the Mac lip glosses. But I love these colours!

  6. For some reason, I'm not a lip gloss girl. I should give them a chance sometime.

  7. I love me some smashbox! I'm a kit-a-holic as well!


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