Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thousand Words Thursday

Popcorn and a movie what could be better? Things have been crazy with the holiday's approaching and some days Will isn't taking a nap at all and others he falls asleep at 6pm and then gets up within a few hours and is ready to play until midnight! I guess he is trying to drop his naps, any tips that will keep me sane?

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  1. Love his pictures always so adorable and handsome :)

    Naps what are those LOL my daughter give up on naps last year around this time and she wasn't even 3, at first we had the same problem, and it lasted for month or two, than we moved her bedtime to an hour earlier, and that seemed to work.
    Now occasionally she falls a sleep around 5, 6 a late nap and of course she's up till 11 or 12.

    I hope some other Mommy's have an answer about this!

  2. that is a great photo! tips? make him at least have quiet time in his bed with books if he is not going to nap....sometimes they just fasll alseep anyway...

  3. We love a good movie and a lot of popcorn around here too! It's only 8 something and I'm now wanting popcorn! And a soda too of course!

  4. Love the pic....we did the quiet time method also....our guy ended up falling asleep sometimes too.

  5. YUM! Popcorn and movies! I'm sorry you're having to deal with that!

  6. He looks so relaxed!!!! Do you put m&m's in your popcorn? mmmmm
    My son ditched naps at 2 1/2 when we ditched his binky. Now, my daughter on the other hand is 2 1/2 and just this week has been fighting me with the naps. I feel your pain!!!! So, the last few days I quit fighting her and she has fallen asleep on her own!!!! Just passed out playing babies!! Good Luck!!

  7. That is a sweet picture. I dread that day that the G-man gives up naps!

  8. i love popcorn and hot chocolate this time of year:) love the sepia tone on your picture.

  9. what a great picture! My girls stopped naps at around this age and I just kept them busy until around 7:00-7:30

  10. I know this exact issue. When he wakes and it's late, keep the lights off and tv/radio/etc sounds low. Often if K does this and we just try to get her back to sleep for the night.

  11. A nice veg session with a movie and a snack sounds good to me right about now. As far as nap goes I am not sure what eo tell ya, mine just changed her schedule to one a day.

  12. Quiet time with books in bed for sure! I sometimes still do this with my 10 and 7 year old kids when they are particularly cranky. BTW, our family could live on popcorn. We eat it almost everyday. LOL!

  13. Great picture! I remember naps - that's it - I just remember the quiet back then. :) quiet time always worked

  14. Have you tried to set a nap time and put him down even if he doesn't sleep? I stopped letting my son nap after 3 because he would stay up late. He naps from 12-2 or so. I put him to bed between 7:30 - 8:30 and he does pretty well. Sometimes he wakes up but I am able to get him back to sleep.

    Great photo!

  15. That is a great photo! I love memories of popcorn and movies at home!

  16. What a cute face! I'd like to know what he's thinking - "Mom, again with the camera?"



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