Thursday, December 4, 2008

Featured at MomDot......

Are you a fan of MomDot? I know I am! MomDot is a fabulous site that supports Mom bloggers all over the blogosphere. I am so honored that Trisha, the head Mama over at MomDot wore the necklace I created, for her photo shoot for the Hot Blogger calendar. Doesn't Trisha look fabulous in the above picture, if you look closely you can see the necklace. You can read her review here and also enter for a chance to win the MomDot necklace.

A special thank you to Trisha and MomDot!!!!


  1. Hey Congrats! I need to look through your items. My daughter loves jewelry and she has a one year old so personalizing it would be great.

    Have a good day!

  2. Congrats, that is so exciting and cool :) I love MomDot!

  3. LOVE the jewelry and I will definitely be visiting your etsy shop!

  4. The MomDot necklace is beautiful! I also love the dogtag from your store!

  5. I saw the feature! Congratulations!

  6. Thanks to momdot for sending me over here to your blog. Your jewelery is beautiful! Thanks for your creativity. Keep up the good work.

  7. Just blogged about your MomDot giveaway...your dog tags are my original! I'm an EstyMom too and I just adore your work...

  8. Kristen - Congrats! Your creations are wonderful! Momdot has the best group running their blog!


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