Monday, December 29, 2008

Featured Reader: Let me introduce you to......

La Dolce Vita

Happy Monday friends! I hope everyone had a great holiday! We had a great holiday. I was (am) sick and now Will is sick, but besides that we all enjoyed spending time with family. Will loved every single one of his presents! It is nice to slow down a bit and just do a bit of nothing. We all deserve to relax a bit.

I am excited to introduce you to Toni of A Daily Dose of Toni. Toni and I have so much in common! Toni loves shoes, loves to shop and loves to blog. The perfect trio shoes, shopping and blogging! Toni has a lot to offer at her blog: cool product reviews, giveaways and a daily dose of funny. Toni is very funny and you are sure to just love her blog. Grab a cup of joe and get to know my friend Toni.


My name is Toni and my main blog name is A Daily Dose of Toni Yeah I didn't venture out in the originality department but I think it's catchy. I also have another blog that is all about my children, 2 Boys 1 Princess

A Daily Dose of Toni


I am happily married and a mom to 3 lovely children. Gabriel (9), Aidan (5), and Bella (3)

How did you start blogging?

I actually just started blogging to have a place to go and ramble, it started more about my kids and their going ons than anything then it turned into a place about everything. Well my mom wasn't too interested in the giveaways, ramblings and reviews so that is when 2 boys 1 princess was born that way she didn't have to wade through all the posts to find one about her grandchildren LOL.

If you are a parent do you have a parenting philosophy?

To raise your children to respect you and others, teach them they should treat others how they want to be treated. Always do your best and then you know you have given it your all. Be an example for them to follow in everything you do.

You will never find me without......

My iPhone or MomAgenda

Day job:

I am a SAHM I clean messes, cook lunches, play games and comfort my kids. I am a nurse, chef, housekeeper, finance manager, nanny all rolled into one.

Favorite Stuff:

Music: I love all the old time 50's music, I love worship music and even pop and rap. Pretty much anything that has a beat I love.

Food: Sushi hands down is my favorite thing to eat, followed closely with my grandmothers homemade italian cookies

Tv/ Movies: Oh gosh this would be a never ending list if I told you all of them but to name a few t.v. shows I love all reality shows, Law and Order, private Practice, True Blood, Desperate Housewives oh but there are plenty more. As for movies Dirty Dancing and Center Stage are my top picks!

Reading: The Shopaholic Series, Twilight Series are top on my list.

If you had to wear a T-shirt with your favorite saying on it what would it be?

" People who don't support peace are usually the cause of drama" or "Dance like there is no one watching, be free to be you"

Favorite stores to shop at:

Charlotte Rousse, Dillards, Mason's (a local boutique), anywhere really that has awesome purses and shoes

Other Good stuff from Toni:

I just want to say I think blogging is such a fun way to get to know others. It is a way to let other people in and get to know you. Be true to who you are and that is what will win out in the end, no matter how tough times may get trust yourself and know when you are doing the right thing, things will always work out.

A special thank you to Toni for allowing us to get to know her. Be sure to give Toni some comment love!

If you would like to be featured at my site please send me an email at

Happy Monday!


  1. I am so excited to be featured today! Thanks so much Kristen for featuring A DAily Dose

  2. Toni, it was great reading your bio! Sushi and shopping with you would be fun!!

  3. Toni has a great singing voice too! Be sure to check out her blog! She's a sweetie.

  4. Toni is such a sweetheart - and it shows! I love going to her blog daily and seeing what fun things she has going on. I'm fairly new to the whole blogosphere world, and she has been nothing less but warm, friendly and welcoming to me. She's awesome! :)

  5. Love Toni! She's fantastic and her blog is always guaranteed to make me smile or completely laugh out loud!

  6. Loved reading more about you Toni!

  7. I just love Toni and her blog! Its got a little of everything! Thanks for featuring her.

  8. I love reading Toni's blog! Thanks for featuring her.

  9. Toni has a great blog!! Thanks for featuring her!!

  10. Toni is a great blogger...thanks for featuring her! She's a cool mom and it's always fun to read what she's up to...

  11. Thanks for introducing us to another great blogger. I enjoyed the write-up and looking at Toni's blog.

  12. Toni is a total sweetheart and 100% genuine and FUN FUN FUN!! Thanks for featuring her!

  13. I love Toni and her blog! What a great feature.

  14. I love reading Toni's blog!!! And she is a great friend! YAY!!!

  15. I love Toni's blog! Thanks for featuring her!

  16. Toni is the greatest! Thanks for featuring her!

  17. I hope you get to feeling better Kristin. I'll have to check out Toni I haven't been to her blog before!

  18. love Toni! Her blog is always entertaining and she has such a great personality!

  19. toni is a lovely woman!! she's funny and is very outgoing!

  20. Nice interview :) Oh she loves Sushi, what else could I say!!!

  21. I started reading Toni's blog a way back when she joined the Mom Bloggers Club but I was too small time for her--she has moved on to bigger and better things!

  22. Hey, I'm out meeting new blogs and noticed your feature on Toni.. LOVE HER BLOG! Yay Toni!



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