Monday, November 24, 2008

Featured Reader: Let me introduce you to....

La Dolce Vita

Happy Monday friends! Can you believe the month of November is almost over? I use to dread Monday's but now love them, they mean a new week and a new featured reader at La Dolce Vita. I am excited to introduce you to Renee of Cutie Booty Cakes. Renee is a busy WAHM who is an amazing writer, does fab reviews and also makes adorable Diaper cakes. Renee's diaper cakes make perfect gifts for new parents. What new Mom couldn't use some diapers? Grab a cup of Joe and get to know Renee.


Renée of Cutie Booty Cakes

Cutie Booty Cakes


My 3 year wedding anniversary is coming up in December and I have a 16 month old son named Mekhi.

How did you start blogging?

I started blogging to promote my business, Cutie Booty Cakes. Somehow the blog took on a life of its own. It has become a personal blog with a bit of business thrown in for good measure.

If you are a parent do you have a parenting philosophy?

My philosophy is to do the best I can with the understanding that this is on the job training. I try not to be too hard on myself because we all make mistakes.

You will never find me without...... my computer.

Day job:

I am a consultant for an early literacy organization. But I am also the owner of a product based business - Cutie Booty Cakes, Diapers Shaped Like Cakes. I started my business because I wanted to give my cousin a unique presentation of diapers, a necessity for new moms but not the most creative gift. Everyone that saw my first "cake" wanted to know if I sold them and a business was born. I use only quality materials in my cakes - Pampers Swaddlers and every diaper is usable. Cutie Booty Cakes are a great hospital and welcome home gifts for new moms and a beautiful baby shower centerpiece or gift. I have several designs on my website but I also do custom orders. The next time you are looking for a great gift for new moms or moms to be Cutie Booty Cakes is the best choice for a unique quality gift!

You can purchase one of Renee's cakes here.

Renee's Favorite Stuff:

I pretty much like everything except for heavy metal and techno. Right now I am listening to Jill Scott.

Food: Do I have to choose? I would have to say my favorite food is seafood followed by desert - especially chocolate mousse cake.

Tv/ Movies: My favorite movie is The Long Kiss Goodnight - I love strong female characters. And my favorite tv shows are Desperate Housewives, House, Lost, Heroes, Grey's Anatomy and most reality shows. I have to admit that I set my dvr and hope that I get a chance to watch my shows.

Reading: I love to read it is my favorite hobby. I really enjoyed the Twilight Series and right now I am reading The Host by Stephanie Meyer. I mostly read fiction perhaps the only thing I don't read are sappy romance novels.

If you had to wear a T-shirt with your favorite saying on it what would it be?

"Just Do It!" Whatever you can dream of for yourself go out and pursue it. Although things may not happen quickly once you take steps in the right direction God provides.

Favorite stores to shop at:

Ann Taylor

A special thank to Renee for allowing us to take a peek into her world. If you would like to be featured at La Dolce vita please send me a email at

Now please leave Renee some comment love and head on over to her site for a visit.


  1. Thanks for the feature Kristen! You know I love your blog and am so happy to be here!

  2. Always a pleasure seeing Renee around the blogosphere!

  3. I love Renee! She really gets to know her readers by not only commenting on their blogs, but
    responding to the comments that she gets. She's great!

  4. Cute cakes!!! I have seen her on Twitter but I didn't know she made diaper cakes!

  5. As always cool feature :) Renee has a cool site,and the diaper cakes are so cute :)

  6. Love Renee's blog! Great feature!

  7. Great interview! I also *heart* Renee much!

  8. Well i thoroughly enjoy Renee and cant wait to get her on our blog and radio show :) yummy for the tummy, ears, eyes!!

  9. This was a great read! I love Renee and I'm excited that we like the same TV shows. Except I don't like seafood. Oh-oh. I'm sure Renee meant to say that she likes all food except seafood.

  10. Well, I found this blog as a result of already being a fan of Renee! She is a funny and inspiring blogger and a regular supporter/commenter on my blog! Way to go Renee on being Featured Blogger!

  11. Renee is great. I love seeing her all around the web! So glad to see Renee featured here. And her diaper cakes are amazing!!

  12. You are everywhere Renee. Great feature keep up the great work.

  13. enjoyable read!

    (the long kiss goodnight is one of my favorite films as well.)


Thanks for leaving some comment love!