Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: Warrior & Courage

A portion of proceeds for every "Courage" or "Warrior" hand stamped necklace will be donated to the Susan G. Komen foundation in honor of my Aunt. Both pieces are available at Kristen's Custom Creations


  1. I love this piece. A few weeks ago my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer again for the 3rd time. This time we've gotten a very grim diagnosis as it is inoperable and incurable. It's just so devastating and overwhelming. I pray for a cure very soon so other families don't have to go through what we are dealing with. Keep up the good work. I hope you sell a lot of pieces.

  2. GREAT JOB SUPPORTING!!!!!!!!!!!! I love that you did this.


  3. What a great piece! I have several friends whose moms were diagnosed with breast cancer and I know they would love one of these.

  4. Great piece, and for a good cause :)

  5. These are both so beautiful!!! I love them:)

  6. this is beautiful!!! Your awesome!!

  7. Thanks for the comment love! Can you tell I'm trying to win one of your necklaces with my comments for featured reader??? LOL!

  8. I love that! Beautiful, Kristen!

  9. Absolutely lovely. What a wonderful way to support this cause.

  10. Those are great! I am actually at looking at several of your designs for Christmas presents! Will be ordering a little closer to time!

    Happy WW!!!

  11. Ooh you are so good at matching your product to the day and theme and this is an awesome theme! Love it!


Thanks for leaving some comment love!