Thursday, October 2, 2008

Take a peek inside my.....

Well it actually is outside. As the cool weather creeps in it reminded me that our days outdoors are numbered. One of my favorite spots is outside on our deck it is our lil cozy spot! This is our spot where we like to kick back and Will likes to jump and make forts. Our cushy furniture is covered so it gives us some shade and keeps us dry when it rains. When sitting there it feels like we are away on vacation, and that is exactly what we wanted it to be.

Do you have a favorite spot in your house? A spot that just makes all of your worry drift away?
While we are talking about favorite spots I wanted to introduce you to La Dolce Vita and Friends. La Dolce Vita and Friends is my new site that features some of the best inde artists around ,so be sure to go on over and visit. There are many Halloween items available!

La Dolce Vita and Friends


  1. Oh that looks like such a cozy hideaway!

  2. I would LOVE to have a deck large enough for furniture like this!

    I'd have to say my favorite spot in my house is my bed :)

  3. Oh, can I come over? That looks lovely. We're TV lovers, so our room is the theater room. We painted the walls eggplant purple, the ceiling midnight blue and installed a 116 inch movie screen. It's heaven, especially when I have it paused on david Boraneaz's face while watching BONES. he's life size :)

  4. What a great room! We live on a bluff and I love sitting on the rock ledge overlooking the water. It's my personal vacation spot:)

  5. I agree with Julie can I come over????? It looks so warm and inviting and if I had that I would be there all the time. ENJOY it!!

  6. What a nice little cozy retreat! Curled up with a blanket, a mug of coffee and a book... If you randomly find some strange woman hanging out there one day, don't worry, it's just me. :)

  7. That spot looks so comfy. It looks like you have achieved success!

  8. I just did a makeover of our upstairs family room. It's my little slice of comfy-cozy! Thanks for sharing yours! It's divine!
    With grats, Laurie B.

  9. Oh Kristen this looks so lovely. So cozy!
    I've been hoping that my husband will take my not-so-subtle hints and put some kind of water 'feature' in our backyard. I would just love to have a fountain, or a little pond.
    THAT would make me very happy.

  10. Oh I'd love to have a covered deck like that! I'm not sure I'd ever go back into the house!

  11. I love that! Right now my favorite place is my bathroom where my nice large tub is!

  12. What a cosy nook! I can imagine spending many hours there.


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