Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Dog With Nine Lives

I know Kane looks all innocent but this lazy couch potato comes alive when we leave him alone. He gets himself in trouble and causes me a load of worry from time to time. He eats Will's suckers, can skillfully unwrap a granola bar, makes himself at home on the couch if we don't cover up the cushions, and even opens the cabinet to the trash.

About a week ago he ate an entire box of raisins, and it wasn't a small box. We came home from dinner and discovered he ate raisins and I remembered that my Aunt sent me a email about how toxic they are for dogs. I picked up the phone and called the emergency vet and they said it can be deadly. Raisins are toxic to pets. We had to induce vomiting, if we didn't it could have been fatal. Thankfully he is just fine. Sometimes it really pays off to read those mass emails you receive. Please tell anyone that has a pet Do not feed them Raisins or Grapes! I just hope we can keep him out of trouble and keep him safe, we adore Kane even though he terrorizes our house when we are gone.

P.S. You don't even want to know how to induce vomiting in a dog!


  1. Yes! Raisins, alcohol, chocolate... there are lots of common foods and drinks that can be fatal to dogs. Even bugs they eat in the back yard can be trouble. We have a *very* curious Black Lab that eats anything and everything and we've had similar experiences with emergency treatment after she got into something we should have hidden better. Thanks for the important post!

  2. I am glad to hear that he is okay. And am wondering how you induced vomiting since that is not knowledge that I really need I am not going to ask!

  3. I was just going to ask how to do that but my guess would be 'very carefully':)

  4. Did not know that! I've given grapes to my dog before... just one at a time (or maybe 2) because she plays with it for awhile before eating it. But never again!

    Thanks for the info!

  5. G-dog got into trail mix in May and I knew about the rasin thing but since P had been eating MY trail mix I didn't know how much she had eaten! We didn't have to induce vomitting according to the vet but she had a bit of a belly ache.

  6. I have also been told chocolate is very poisonous to dogs. So glad Kane is ok and that you got home when you did. I can't imagine trying to induce vomiting on a dog I am trying not to visualize it. YUCK!!!

  7. Oh my gosh, I didn't know! And I am a true pet lover. Bless his heart! Bless YOUR heart!

  8. I am SO glad to hear Kane's raisin episode had a happy ending! And, that through your blog, you raise awareness of some unknown issues (I had heard of grapes, and duh, might not have immediately connected it to raisins!).

  9. Oh, poor baby. Hope he's doing better.
    :) Robin

  10. Oh, poor baby. Hope he's doing better.
    :) Robin

  11. He looks so sweet in that picture, but what happens if you try to take the rawhide away?!

  12. ok to induce vomiting you give your dog hydrogen peroxide, trust me it works.

    Angie: He is really sweet when you take his bone away. He is a gentle giant, just don't pull his tail.

  13. AHHHH! I had absolutely NO IDEA that raisins are toxic to dogs!!! We're just starting raisins with our daughter, so I'll be super careful!!! Eek! thanks for the warning!

  14. Kristin I can't believe the perfect timing with this! I'm just sitting down at the computer when my daughter was eating a bowl of grapes. We don't allow begging/feeding but sometimes the girls can't resist.
    I just showed my daughters your post.
    Thank You!
    (And about inducing vomiting? I won't ask.)

  15. Oh my...I have 2 dogs and I had no idea! I am so glad Kane is okay!

  16. Poor guy! I had heard that as well and make sure that Maddie doesn't get any. There is also a nut that is suppose to bad for them...

  17. Oh my gosh! I didn't even know that about dogs and raisins!! those are our little ones new favorite - I'll be sure to tell my husband about this and we'll watch to make sure he doesn't drop any down on the floor for the dog!!

    Thanks for the tip! SMART dog by the way - that is so cool he can do those things!! =)


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