Monday, September 29, 2008

Featured Reader: Let me introduce you to

Before I introduce you to my Featured Reader I wanted to remind everyone that if you haven't sent your answers back please send them to At the end of this post is a list of upcoming Featured Readers.

Special offer for La Dolce Vita Readers and Friends of Jen: Free Shipping until Friday October 3rd. Please use FreeshipJen After your purchase I will send you a refund for shipping costs. Who doesn't like something free these days! Visit my shop to see my entire hand stamped collection and remember I love custom orders.

La Dolce Vita

I am pleased to introduce Jen of Keep it Classy, Posh Point of View and The Posh Parent Social Network. Jen and I became fast friends right from the beginning and we surely hang out in all of the same cool spots!

Keep It Classy

Name: Jen Hinton and my blogs are Posh Point of View, Keep It Classy, and the newest addition is our social network The Posh Parent

Family: My DH is Dustin and our lil boy is eight month old Boston!

How did you start blogging? I started blogging after being contacted by a few bloggers about sending in my products for review. Then I thought,"Hey I can do this!" So, I did and it has been a great whirl wind since!

If you are a parent do you have a parenting philosophy? My parenting philosophy is Although we all might me different, we all look at our children the same way. So, cherish the moments! My blogging philosophy Keep It Real, but Keep It Classy!

You will never find me without......eyeliner on!!!!

Day job: I am a WAHM. I run Posh Point of View, Keep It Classy, and my newest venture the social network The Posh Parent(We are new and growing rapidly.We have great member including Kristen herself!) So come join the poshness!I also own and Nola Meadows Studio is classy jewelry for classy women! Lilnola is a fun graphic tees for tots!!!

Favorite Stuff:
Music: I like everything, but I LOVE Journey!
Food: Chips and Salsa
Tv/ Movies: The Notebook
Reading: Right now Tori Spelling's book

If you had to wear a T-shirt with your favorite saying on it what would it be? Keep It Classy(you can get one at

Favorite stores to shop at ? American Eagle, Ann Taylor Loft, The Limited

A special thank you to Jen for the fun interview. I always love getting to know my readers a bit better. And as Jen would say "Always keep it classy"

If you would like to be a featured reader please send me a message to

Next weeks featured reader is Ali of Home of the Lazy dog.

Here is a list of some upcoming featured readers, if your name isn't on the list it is because I haven't received your answers back yet.

Robin of Cinnamon and Honey
LeAnn of Tolleson4Him
Angela of Unexpected Art

Make it a great day!


  1. Thanks for the write up, Kristen!!!

  2. Great meme Jen. I really like when we are able to get to know people a bit better through these fun featured readers and memes.

  3. Great interview :-) Learned something new about my friend Jen!

    The Dirty Shirt

  4. Great job on the interview!
    I agree with Jen's motto to "keep it real, but keep it classy" Thanks for the interesting interview!

  5. Great interview! I love these Featured Reader spots! (Yay-I'm next!)

  6. That was fun!
    (I didn't know she liked Journey so much! My husband just went to their show with the new lead singer! I need to head over to her site and ask her thoughts on that guy.)
    Good job Kristen!

  7. Jen is beautiful and all over the blogosphere! Love The Posh Parent site too!! ;)

  8. I love reading Jen's blog and what a great post.

  9. I feel honored to have met Jen and be on Posh Parent with her! She is one truly classy lady!

  10. I love Jen she is one of the sweetest funny girls out there in bloggy land

  11. Fabulous interview on a fabulous and fashionable gal! Big love for Jen!!


  12. Great interview! I love hearing about hard working moms! Way to go!

  13. i love chips and salsa too. the HOT stuff!

  14. Jen is so great! She's always so kind enough to make everyone feel welcome.:)

  15. Very cute blog! I will be back to check i tour some more!

  16. Great interview! Jen is super sweet and I love the motto!

  17. I heart chips and salsa too! Always enjoy reading an interview with a fellow blogger...Keep up the nice work!

  18. I love The Limited, im sad that i dont have it available to me here in Calgary, That where all my pants are from! i cant wait to go back to michigan so i can shop there again!

  19. What a great idea! Fun to read about Jen.

    Thanks for joining me in "My One Month"! Can't wait to read your post. :)

  20. Very cool! Jen keeps busy but she's always fun to chat with :) And definitely check out Nola Meadows, her stuff is beautiful!

  21. Great Interview! And I'm loving the Posh Parent site!

  22. Great interview!

    Learned lots of new things about Jen. She is one cool girl.

  23. Crap I screwed up, and commented there before here?? Sheesh.


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