Monday, August 25, 2008

The Tide Will Turn.....

This picture was shot from one one of our favorite vacation spots, Anna Maria Island. Before Hubby and I had Will we traveled a lot. I use to have a lot of vacation time and everyone told us to travel as much as we could before we had a kiddo. One of our favorite spots was and still is Anna Maria Island. We haven't been back since we had Will, but plan on taking him there some day soon. We know he will love the beach and all of the great shells they have. The Gulf side of Florida really does have some of the most beautiful sells you can find. We also love how quaint the town is and that it hasn't been over run with high rise condos and chain restaurants.

There is something to be said about sand between your toes and the mesmerizing sounds of the ocean waves. I love the ocean and find it captivating. My piece "The Tide Will Turn" was inspired by the many vacations we had. I always used our vacations to reflect, recharge and dream up new ideas for the future. I would watch the ocean waves and realize that anything is possible and with out fail the sun would always set and rise and the tide would always turn.

What is your favorite vacation spot? What do you hope to gain from a vacation?

The Tide Will Turn product details:

The "The Tide Will Turn" necklace is a sterling silver disc that has been hand stamped. The charm includes a sterling silver star fish charm and hangs on a 18 inch sterling silver bead/ball chain. Artist note: The letters on this disc have been hand stamped one at a time. I do not use machines. The letters will not line up perfectly and are not meant to this is part of the charm that makes your piece one of a kind. No two pieces will ever be exactly the same. The disc has been brushed and the letters have been oxidized/antiqued, to make them stand out it will appear to be aged or slightly tarnished but has been given a good polish. All materials used are of the highest quality and each piece has been made w/ loving care. Design Copyright of Kristen's Custom Creations 2008.
The necklace can be purchased at Kristen's Custom Creations


  1. We go to a car race in Texas every year but now that I think about it, it's not really a relaxing vacation. VERY fun but not relaxing. Maybe hubby and I need to head up to the mountains next year.

  2. I love Florida especially the gulf side, and you are right they have the prettiest shells but I also think they have the prettiest beaches around. My favorite Vaca spot is Destin, FL We have not been in 3 years but that is our plan for next summer.

  3. We are definitely beach people. We are actually heading to the beach next week for the second time this summer. can't wait! love to soak up the sun and read lots of good books!

  4. I love this piece! Me and hubby just came back from Clearwater beach. I grew up here on the gulfcoast of Florida and there is nothing like it!

  5. That new necklace is lovely!

    My favorite vacation so far as has been a Caribbean cruise. We've been twice and have had just the best most romantic lovely time...

  6. My favorite vacation spot (although I doubt I will ever go there again) is Kozi Bay in the northeast corner of South Africa. There is an ecotourism vacation spot there and it is right in the middle of an animal reserve. Walking down to the beach you can encounter baboons, I met a green mamba (long story) and the water is to die for!

  7. La Jolla California is my favorite place to vacation.

  8. I need a wish list for you store ALONE! I love this new one!


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