Sunday, August 24, 2008

I've been tagged......

I have been tagged by Little Lady Bug I need to share 6 quirky things about me. The funny thing is I am at the lake with my family and they had no problem helping me come up with 6 things. I will say I agree with all of them, at least I know myself.

So here are the rules:

1. Link back to the person who tagged you
2. Mention the rules on your blog
3. Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours
4. Tag 6 following bloggers by linking them
5. Leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger’s blogs letting them know they’ve been tagged

6 Quirky things about me:

1. I am a germ freak, I carry hand sanitizer everywhere I go. I am not as bad as Monk but pretty bad. Ask my friends.

2. I won't leave the house w/ out taking a shower, even if I was going to the beach or working out.

3. I smell everything before I eat it, and have a super sniffer 2000. I smell things other people don't.

4. I don't like fish (probably becasue it smells) I will though eat tuna fish only out of a can. I haven't really tried eating fish but know I won't like it.

5. Stains on clothes or anything drive me crazy, thank goodness for oxy.

6. When I grocery shop I never take the first item, I take the 2nd item.

I Tag the following blogs:

Cheaper than thearpy Jen

Keep it Classy Jen

Cinnamon and Honey

The Dirty Shirt


Home of the Lazy Dog


  1. It's so nice to know I'm not the only have-to-take-a shower person! Oh and I like the second or third item!!

  2. I've been known to shower before going to the gym too. If I am going to is going to be a clean as possible! fish here either. Not even tuna.

  3. Thanks for the tag! I love tuna fish sandwiches but I don't like fish either. I think because I come from a very frugal family and growing up we would catch and eat fish the WHOLE summer!

  4. I had a student last year who was CONSTANTLY helping himself to my handsanitzer. It took me half the year to realize that he had OCD when it came to germs. Last week, I bought a HUGE pump for my classroom :)

    Actually, I like to shower before I work out! Weird, I know, but I hate working out when I'm already sweaty or hot!

  5. Thanks for the tag I will put it up asap! I am also a sniffer, I have to smell my food before eating one bite!


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