Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Let me introduce you to Miss Molly

Molly is my parents dog. We had Molly for a week while my parents were on vacation. We really enjoyed having her and she got me thinking about how she became a part of the family. Around 6 years ago hubby and I were walking Kane down a fairly busy street and this man in a pick up truck drove buy, pulled in a alley and threw her out of the truck. Molly was just a puppy, probably only 6 months old. She came running to us and we just knew we had to find the poor girl a home. We would have kept her but had just rescued Kane and felt two dogs was too much. My mom always seems to find pets a home so we immediately took her to my parents. We spent a few weeks looking for a home and actually found a few but in the end my Mom fell in love with her. Molly is the kind of dog that follows you around the house and when you aren't home she waits by the door. When you wake up in the morning she gets so excited her entire body shakes. I can never understand how some people can treat animals so poorly but I know we are very glad to have Miss Molly be a part of the family.

I really try to encourage others to rescue a pet if they can. Rescues very often make the best pets and they are so grateful for their homes. Take a peek at my hand stamped "Rescue" necklace. I designed this necklace some time ago for a pet lover and just realized I never listed it in my shop.

Do you have a rescue? If so please share how you came to rescue it.

To see my complete collection of my hand stamped jewelry please visit my shop.


  1. Wow! Can really see the collie in her, huh? Our dog is a mutt from the shelter, but we never considered ourselves "rescuers." He was so adorable, somebody would have taken him sooner or later! We actually went back to the shelter a week later to see if any of the litter was left, and they were all gone!

  2. We "rescued" my mom's cat. We were taking her dog to the vet and there was a kitten who had just been dropped off. Someone wrapped a rubber band around his tail. We instantly feel in love with "Mr. Bobbins" who eventually lost his tail. Mr Bobbins is the best pet...so lovable and cuddly.

  3. What a beautiful dog--and necklace!
    After we got our first dog from a breeder, we wised up and picked our second dog from a Husky Rescue group.

  4. What a beautiful dog Molly is. We are defantley rescuers in our family we are always going to the shelter. Great post!

  5. What a cute dog. My aunt had two rescued Rotweilers years ago. They were really sweet dogs that had been mistreated. I miss them.

  6. I have a rescue dog! A neighbor of mine found a sweet dog wandering around and turned her into animal control. She felt awful that she couldn't just take her home herself, so she started calling everyone she could think of that might be interested to see if someone would go and get her. We were, and we did! The best 30 bucks we ever spent! :-D

  7. My first rescue was a cat. I was living in an apt. with my sister and everything was hers SO I wanted to come home to something special that I had picked out-my cat!
    Years later, my hubby and I went to the animal shelter to get a live animal trap to catch a raccoon in our attic. I saw "our" dog and fell in love! I snuck back a few days later to see if he had been adopted and my husband "caught" me as he pulled into the shelter driveway that afternoon (he knew where to find me!). We had some of the best seven years with our Dozer!

  8. We've gotten most of our animals from the SPCA. That necklace is darling, Kristen. You are so creative.

  9. Kristen,
    This is so wonderful! If you can make a cat paw, I just might ajve to order one for the perfect occasion: I just adopted a kitty a few weeks ago who was also abandoned. She's shy but sweet and a total love. The volunteers at the local shelter told me that they can not keep up with the huge numbers of animals being brought in every day. They're seeing record numbers of cats, especially. Times are so tough that people are losing their homes and leaving their pets behind. It's a sad, desperate situation. I wish I could take more than one but we just don't have a large enough apartment... So I urge everyone who's looking for a furry companion to forgo breeders and pet shops and head to a local shelter or a rescue and help save a life.
    :) Robin

  10. Oh she is adorable and looks so sweet natured! I love my rescue dog and cats. Phoebe is one of my best gal-pals...It breaks my heart to think she was ONE day away from being
    "put-down"....ugh. Same with Prudence, my six toed kitten! I HAVE to have the two pendants Kristen! Are they available at your store front? Please convo me through Etsy if you would....What a wonderful idea....Woman, you are one of the most creative people I know! Bless You!! Laurie B. (or email me if you want to!)

  11. She looks so sweet! And I love the necklace!! You should come "rescue" your bloggy awards on Keep It Classy!!!

  12. I love your stamped pendant. I so feel bad I didn't win it at MBC but oh well! Anyway, just stoppin' by to say hello! nice to meet you :)

  13. Oh what a sweetie!!!!!! I need to buy that necklace!

    Our G-dog is a rescue all the way from Tenn. They have a 90% kill rate in their shelters so we worked with a group that adopts them to families anywhere from TN all the way to NH! They come in a big kennel/RV and you meet them with the other adopting families along their route. It was so wonderful to see all the people there anxiously awaiting their new family members. I will never forget it. :)

  14. Molly is one of the sweetest dogs I've ever had the pleasure of petting LOL!! :)


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