Sunday, August 17, 2008

The lazy days of summer

Can you believe Will didn't want to eat this ice cream cone? We were at the local farm market and they were giving away these yummy ice cream cones, but Will didn't want anything to do with it, I guess because it didn't have any chocolate on it.

I can't believe summer is coming to an end and it got me thinking of some things I want to do before it is over.

  • Eat lunch and dinner on our deck, as often as possible
  • Go for more family walks after dinner
  • Have my morning cup of coffee on the deck
  • Take Will to the park more often
  • Go for more bike rides, next year Will will be too big for his bike seat on the back of my bike
  • BBQ as much as possible and try some new recipes

What do you want to do before summer is over?


  1. I would so eat that cone! But I'm a big fan of ice cream in all it's glorious variety. :)

    I want to play hooky at work one day and go to Cedar Point - an huge amusement park about 3 hrs south of me.

  2. I want to go for more bike rides with the kids also. :) I wonder if my little ones would have eaten that ice cream cone?

  3. I want to eat that cone! It looks so good! I miss the beach so a trip to the beach would be great but living inland that is not going to happen. I can always try the man made beach but it just doesn't seem right.

  4. The ice cream cone looks so yummy!
    Well our summer is officially over, the girls start school tomorrow.

  5. I'm with LeAnn, the summer ends tomorrow with school. Just when the weather is getting tolerable! I would like to go to the lake a couple more times though. Maybe my 4 year old can keep it a secret from his older brother so he won't get jealous!

  6. I want to go to the zoo and take Boston swimming for the first time! The swimming thing has been overdue since we have a pool!!!

  7. you inspired me to try to do some more summery things before it is over!!!

  8. Sit on my patio and get STUNG by MORE BEES!! :(

  9. I just showed my little boys that icecream cone and they all squealed! its winter in australia but here in sydney winters are very mild, the sky is still blue its just a bit chilly...a picnic on the beach would be nice though!

  10. I just wanted to say I clicked on your site with my 15 mo on my lap, and she saw that ice cream and went nuts. So basically thanks a lot. I just got roped into getting everyone ice cream.

    Thanks for the nice comment at my place by the way- nice to meet you, mama, and thanks for your support of Cool Mom Picks.

  11. Hi! I was just thinking about that today, because in one week our 3 kids start school. I don't have anything huge on my agenda - except get the kids back onto a school schedule of bed earlier and up in the morning earlier :)

    End of summer is a love/hate feeling for me ...

  12. I would like to get my classroom ready as quickly as I can so I have time to make a few more fun summer memories for my boys!


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