Friday, August 1, 2008

Friday Funny...

Are you a Seinfeld Fan? I can watch re-runs over and over and never get sick of it! Here are some of my favorite episodes, but I really love them all.

  • Soup Nazi
  • Spare a Square
  • Man Hands
  • Smelly Car
  • Puffy Pirate Shirt

I know those aren't the exact titles, but they are a few of my favorites. If you are a fan, what are your favorite episodes?


  1. It's odd. I liked Seinfeld but I can't watch too many in a row. Once a week was good for me.

  2. Oh, I loved Seinfeld! Remember when Kramer pretended to be the 'movie phone' voice because his phone number was similar to the theater's number? Or when George would sleep under his desk at work? Hilarious!

  3. OH YES! Hubby and I love it in re-runs! What about "Sponge-Worthy?" LOL

  4. We love Seinfeld at our house! I agree I love the Soup Nazi but also another favorite is the Kenny ROgers chicken episode.

  5. I also can watch Seinfeld over and over again. My favorite episode is the chicken fight..."it's 3 am, I'm at a cockfight, what am I holding out for?".

    The other is when Kramer gets an intern and they are filming an experiment..."I put an 8-hour tape in. That should be enough for the experiment, the arrest and most of the trial".

  6. love seinfeld, soup nazi is the best!!!

  7. You are on your own there! Hubby LOVES Seinfeld, but I never got into it. Because of his addiction, though, I think I've managed to see every episode. The series finale was soooo lame!

  8. hubby is the one that got me hooked on Seinfeld. We also love Curb, w/ Larry David. I know it is that humor isn't for everyone :)

  9. How about the one where Elaine didn't send a Christmas card to George? Because, you know,... she accidentally exposed her nipple???

  10. I love Seinfeld, too! I picked my car up from a valet after just 2 hours the other day, and it had the worst odor! I had the kids taking everything apart looking for what smelled! Couldn't find anything, thank goodness for Febreeze!

  11. I too like it, but in moderation.

  12. My dh and I LOVE Seinfeld! And he has DVR'ed all the Curb episodes--I always get a bit worried when he watches one because he gets to laughing so hard tears are running down his face.

    Where we used to live, some Seinfeld crazed couples had a yearly Festivus party. ;)

    I don't have a favorite episode--love most of 'em

  13. These are great!!! There are many I love... Marble Rye, The Contest (OMG!!!) and Sponge-Worthy. Not That There's Anything Wrong With That! Hee hee!
    :) Robin


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