Thursday, July 31, 2008

Are you a top commenter?

A special thank you to my Top 5 commenter's! Anyone who blogs loves comments! Here are my top 5 commenter's!!!!! Thank you for taking the time to leave me a note and for the bloggy friendship! Why not stop by and give my bloggy friends some comment love! Would you like to see if you made it in my top 10? Please scroll down, it is on the right hand side.

1. Tolleson4him
2. Home of the Lazy Dog
3. Cheaper than thearpy Jen
4. My Cup 2 Yours
5. LaurieBethBeggin

To add the Top Commenter feature to your blog please visit: Blog Buster Have fun!


  1. Thanks Kristen! But it's easy to comment when you have such a great blog like yours:)

  2. I made top 5 yah!

    Love you sweetie!

  3. Man...I better get on the ball!!!

  4. I am happy to make the top 10! :)

  5. TOP COMMENTS FOR A TOP BLOGGER!!!!!!! With gratitude Kristen, Laurie B.

  6. i just saw your website from 'the mom's blog.. i LOVE your esty shop... maybe bf will catch the hint and get me the "i do" necklace you made if he ever decides it's "time"... :)

  7. Your jewelry work is amazing! I also love your banner- very cute!

  8. love your site
    3beez at bellsouth dot net

  9. I just found your site, love your jewelry!

  10. Your blog & your jewelry are both incredible! Thanks for the link on how to add the top commenters widget! I added it to my blog! Fun!

  11. Thank You Kristen! I can't believe I am the #1 commenter WOW!! I always enjoy your blog and I agree with Ali 100%....

  12. Thanks for the mention, Kristen! Have a great day!

  13. Well I'm not there but I only just found you. Just wanted to say that I think all your work is wonderful!


Thanks for leaving some comment love!